1 / 50
Semantic networks are computationally expensive at __________
2 / 50
A ------------- is „A person who posses the skill and knowledge to solve a specific problem in a manner superior to others‟
3 / 50
Usually a _________ graph is chosen to represent a fuzzy set.
4 / 50
From discipline ____________ we have information about the network structure of a human brain and all the theories on functionalities of different human organs.
5 / 50
A classical set is a container, which wholly includes or wholly excludes any given element.
6 / 50
Searching is a formal mechanism to explore
7 / 50
A statement in conjunctive normal form (CNF) consists of __________
8 / 50
Which one of the following is involved in an ES development project:
9 / 50
Every graph can be converted into a tree
10 / 50
Intelligence is the characteristic of
11 / 50
In Adversarial search the goals of the adversaries are usually ___________ to each other
12 / 50
An expert system may replace the expert or assist the expert.
13 / 50
Reasoning in fuzzy logic is just a matter of generalizing the familiar _________ logic.
14 / 50
We use graph to represent problems and their solution spaces.
15 / 50
IF A THEN B This can be considered to have a similar logical meaning as the following:
16 / 50
The Plateau problem comes up when there is a mostly flat area ___________ the peaks.
17 / 50
Identify the correct step used to start design of an expert system.
18 / 50
______ is the process of deriving logical conclusions from given facts.
19 / 50
In some cases, the rules provide more definite actions such as “move left” or “close door”, in which case the rules are being used to represent _________.
20 / 50
In the statement “IF A THEN B”, B is called
21 / 50
Can we precisely define Artificial Intelligence?
22 / 50
In backward chaining terminology, the hypothesis to prove is called the ________.
23 / 50
Semantic networks are graphs, with nodes representing ____________ and arcs representing ____________ between objects.
24 / 50
Procedures that search the solution space in an uninformed manner are usually costly with respect to _____.
25 / 50
Which of the following is a valid example which represents a suitable antecedent in a rule?
26 / 50
Which of the following disciplines provides us with the theories of structure and meaning of language
27 / 50
Genetic algorithm uses evolutionary techniques, based on function optimization and artificial intelligence, to develop a solution.
28 / 50
Which of the following two components are closely coupled and each is intrinsically tied to the other. i. Knowledge representation ii. Reasoning iii. Execution iv. Planning
29 / 50
“The branch of computer science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior” this definition is from:
30 / 50
An ___________ is “A computer program designed to model the problem solving ability of a human expert."
31 / 50
Another expert system named __________ was developed by Digital Equipment Corporation, as a computer configuration assistant.
32 / 50
Hit and trial is classical approach to solve the ________ problem easily
33 / 50
To infer new information from semantic networks, we can ask questions from nodes.
34 / 50
______ AI treats the brain as a black box and just emulates its functionality.
35 / 50
36 / 50
The traveling inside solution space requires something called
37 / 50
Which one of the problem is more subtle, and consequently, is more frustrating:
38 / 50
In adversarial search there may occur such a scenario where two opponents also called _____ are searching for goal.
39 / 50
Ability to tackle ambiguous and fuzzy problems demonstrate
40 / 50
Inductive learning is based on the knowledge that if something happens a lot it is likely to be generally _________
41 / 50
Choose the fields in which Fuzzy inference systems have been successfully applied:
42 / 50
The paths found by best-first search are likely to be __________ than those found with other methods.
43 / 50
Expert system can be expressed as:
44 / 50
By getting grips on ___________ that deal with searching techniques in graphs and trees, problem solving can be performed in an efficient manner.
45 / 50
In Basic Genetic Algorithm the term mutation refers to a small random ________.
46 / 50
If the antecedent is only partially true, then the output fuzzy set is truncated according to the _________ method
47 / 50
An expert system may replace the expert or assist the expert
48 / 50
Within an expert system, the ______________ contains facts about a specific subject area and rules that express the reasoning procedures of an expert on the subject.
49 / 50
IF temperature is below 0 THEN weather is cold The above rule is used to represent _______
50 / 50
Most of the solution spaces for problems can be represented in a ________
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