Civil Engineering Quiz 34


Civil Engineering Quiz 34

1 / 50

The most efficient traffic signal system is_______?

2 / 50

Pick up the important characteristic of a target which facilitates its identification from the following ?

3 / 50

The property of a fluid which enables it to resist tensile stress is known as_______?

4 / 50

As per ICAO recommendation, the rate of change of longitudinal gradient per 30 m length of vertical curve for A and B type of airports is limited to a maximum of_________?

5 / 50

In PERT analysis, the time estimates of activities and probability of their occurrence follow______?

6 / 50

carrying a uniformly distributed load per metre length is suspended at the A pile of length centre and from other two points 0.15 L from either end ; the maximum hogging moment will be______?

7 / 50

Dynamic viscosity of most of the liquids with rise in temperature___________?

8 / 50

Select the correct statement_______?

9 / 50

The following sights are taken on a ?turning point?_______?

10 / 50

In highway construction, rolling starts from_______?

11 / 50

For non-scouring velocity 5 m/sec, the type of sewers generally preferred to, is___________?

12 / 50

How many commandments are given in PEC Code of Ethics?

13 / 50

The non-clog pump which permits solid matter to pass out with the liquid sewage, is_______?

14 / 50

If the natural water content of soil mass lies between its liquid limit and plastic limit, the soil mass is said to be in_____?

15 / 50

What do you call the after-tax present worth of all depreciation effects over the depreciation period of the asset ?

16 / 50

If the loading on a pre-stressed rectangular beam, is uniformly distributed, the tendon to be provided should be______?

17 / 50

The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to move down is known as angle of_________?

18 / 50

A type of bond to which are attached coupons indicating the interest due and the date when such interest is to be paid is called ___________?

19 / 50

Before discharging the foul sewage into rivers, it is generally treated by____________?

20 / 50

Which one of the following parameters is accurate for DGPS ?

21 / 50

In a sedimentation tank (length L, width B, depth D) the settling velocity of a particle for a discharge Q, is___________?

22 / 50

The independent float affects only______?

23 / 50

Number of switches provided on a Gaunt-letted track is______?

24 / 50

During the opening of a valve in a pipe line, the flow is__________?

25 / 50

Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

26 / 50

The maximum permissible size of aggregates to be used in casting the ribs of a slab, is_____?

27 / 50

An open cubical tank of 2 m side is filled with water. If the tank is rotated with an acceleration such that half of the water spills out, then the acceleration is equal to______?

28 / 50

The maximum permissible span of asbestos cement sheets is_____________?

29 / 50

Removal of oil and grease from sewage, is known___________?

30 / 50

Uniformity coefficient of a soil is_________?

31 / 50

Excess of alumina in brick earth makes the brick_____?

32 / 50

Strength of concrete increases with_______?

33 / 50

According to the Snell?s law if an electromagnetic wave is incident in a medium (refractive index n1) on another medium (refractive index m2)_______?

34 / 50

The load on each axle of a locomotive is 22 tonnes. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, then the hauling capacity due to 3 pairs of driving wheels will be_______?

35 / 50

Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates of a traverse is used where_______?

36 / 50

A 200 mm thick wall made of modular bricks is 5 m long between cross walls and 3.8 m clear height between RCC slabs at top and bottom. The slenderness ratio of the wall is_______?

37 / 50

What is the term for an annuity with a fixed time span ?

38 / 50

The permissible bending stresses Pbet for steel slab bases should not exceed______?

39 / 50

Coefficient of compressibility is______?

40 / 50

The slope of isochrone at any point at a given time indicates the rate of change of______?

41 / 50

Which of the following do not have identical dimensions ?

42 / 50

The stream which does not have any base flow contribution is called_______?

43 / 50

Which of the following can be used as a meter fall ?

44 / 50

The ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress of a circular beam, is_______?

45 / 50

A singly reinforced concrete beam of 25 cm width and 70 cm effective depth is provided with 18.75 cm2 steel. If the modular ratio (m) is 15, the depth of the neutral axis, is________?

46 / 50

For a single point load W moving on a symmetrical three hinged parabolic arch of span L, the maximum sagging moment occurs at a distance x from ends. The value of x is_________?

47 / 50

The number of treads in a flight is equal to______?

48 / 50

The part radiation due to scattered/diffused radiation entering the field of view of a remote sensor other than that from the required target________?

49 / 50

The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the______?

50 / 50

The total energy of each particle at various places in the case of perfect incompres sible fluid flowing in continuous sream_______?

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