Civil Engineering Quiz 6


Civil Engineering Quiz 6

1 / 50

The spectral region of the electromagnetic radiation which passes through the atmosphere without much attenuation is known as_________?

2 / 50

For the upstream face of an earthen dam, the most adverse condition for stability of slope is______?

3 / 50

The total discharge from two wells situated near to each other is________?

4 / 50

Pick up the in-correct statement from the following?

5 / 50

Gauge is the distance between______?

6 / 50

The R.L, of the point A which is on the floor is 100 m and back sight reading on A is 2.455 m. If the foresight reading on the point B which is on the ceiling is 2.745 m, the R.L. of point B will be______?

7 / 50

The effective length of a battened strut effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained in direction is taken as_______?

8 / 50

In sewage, the solids in mg per litre is_________?

9 / 50

If the maximum dip of a parabolic tendon carrying tension P is h and the effective length of the pre-stressed beam is L, the upward uniform pressure will be_______?

10 / 50

For walls, columns and vertical faces of all structural members, the form work is generally removed after_____?

11 / 50

A type of bond where the corporation pledges securities which it owns such as the stock or bonds of one of its subsidiaries ?

12 / 50

In ?full face? method of constructing tunnels, the first operation relates to_____?

13 / 50

Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcement of the same size should not be less than_______?

14 / 50

As per IRC recommendations, the maximum limit of super elevation for mixed traffic in plain terrain is______?

15 / 50

Excess of silica in brick earth results in_____?

16 / 50

Resultant pressure of the liquid in the case of an immersed body acts through ________?

17 / 50

The effect of grade on safe overtaking sight distance is______?

18 / 50

The stage of river carrying a discharge of Q m7sec at a point is 10 m and slope of water surface is (1/4000). The discharge of a flood at the same point and same stage of 10 m with a water surface slope of(l/1000) will be_______?

19 / 50

Liquids transmit pressure equally in all the directions. This is according to________?

20 / 50

The self-weight of the footing, is_____________?

21 / 50

Lapped splices in tensile reinforcement are generally not used for bars of size larger than_____?

22 / 50

The center of percussion of the homogeneous rod of length L suspended at the top will be_________?

23 / 50

What refers to the amount of money paid for the use of borrowed capital ?

24 / 50

For a slab supported on its four edges with corners held down and loaded uniformly, the Marcus correction factor to the moments obtained by Grashoff Rankine?s theory______?

25 / 50

The most commonly used admixture which prolongs the setting and hardening time is______?

26 / 50

The shape of transition curve used by Indian Railways is___________?

27 / 50

The vapour pressure over the concave surface is_________?

28 / 50

PERT technique of network analysis is mainly useful for_________?

29 / 50

The maximum dry density upto which any soil can be compacted depends upon____________?

30 / 50

Which of the following turnouts is most commonly used for goods train on Indian Railways ?

31 / 50

If a flywheel increases its speed from 10 rpm to 20 rpm in 10 seconds, then its angular acceleration is____________?

32 / 50

In the case of panel wall subjected to horizontal loads at right angles to the plane of the wall, with the mortar not leaner than Ml type, tensile stress in bending in the vertical direction may be allowed to the extent of ______?

33 / 50

Assertion A.: The determination of pH value of sewerage is important. Reason (R): The efficiency of certain treatment methods depends upon the availability of pH value_______?

34 / 50

The gas which may cause explosion in sewers, is________?

35 / 50

As compared to higher pH values, the contact period required for efficient chlorination at lower pH values is__________?

36 / 50

Aerobic bacterias__________?

37 / 50

For accurate work, the steel band should always be used in preference to chain because the steel band_____?

38 / 50

An ideal flow of any fluid must satisfy __________?

39 / 50

The position of center of pressure on a plane surface immersed vertically in a static mass of fluid is_____?

40 / 50

The type of flooring suitable for use in churches, theatres, public libraries and other places where noiseless floor covering is desired is___________?

41 / 50

The value of ruling gradient in plains as per IRC recommendation is_____?

42 / 50

The algae dies out in the zone of____________?

43 / 50

A stone was thrown vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 50 m/sec After 5 seconds another stone was thrown vertically upwards from the same place. If both the stones strike the ground at the same time, then the velocity with which the second stone was thrown should be (Assume g = 10 m/sec2)_____________?

44 / 50

Which one of the following clays behaves like a dense sand ?

45 / 50

What is normally used to compare alternatives that accomplish the same purpose but have unequal lives ?

46 / 50

The limiting value of cant deficiency for Meter Gauge routes is_________?

47 / 50

Rotameter is a device used to measure___________?

48 / 50

A pair of smith?s tongs is an example of the lever of_________?

49 / 50

Design of R.C. simply supported beams carrying U.D.L. is based on the resultant B.M. at_______?

50 / 50

A queen closer is a_____?

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