Islamic Study Quiz 18


Islamic Study Quiz 18

1 / 50

LEA?AN is___________?

2 / 50

Who was made governor of North Yemen by Holy Prophet?

3 / 50

Minimum Persons required for Namaz Ba-Jamaat?

4 / 50

King of Egypt sent two concubines as a gift to Muhammad(S.A.W), Maria(R.A) and__________?

5 / 50

Hazrat Ayesha R.A has narrated about how many Ahadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

6 / 50

The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets ?

7 / 50

Which is the correct etiquette of Imam to deliver Friday Khutba ?

8 / 50

The Khutba of Hajj (Hajj sermon) is delivered in which mosque?

9 / 50

Book named ?The Voice of Human Justice ? is biography of___________?

10 / 50

What is the name of lady, whose Father Husband Brother and Son all were Prophets?

11 / 50

The most learned wife of the Holy Prophet (?) was_________?

12 / 50

By whom Prophet (PBUH) learnt Salat & ablution?

13 / 50

Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) performed a total of _________ Umrahs?

14 / 50

Who wrote the book ?Kitab al Kharaj??

15 / 50

When did Imam Abu Hanifa die?

16 / 50

Which of the following is called Year of Deputations?

17 / 50

Which Surah of Holy Quran revealed twice-in Makkah & Madinah ?

18 / 50

When did Imam Abu Hanifa born?

19 / 50

Who destroyed idol ?Sawa??

20 / 50

Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe of__________?

21 / 50

The book Kitab al Umm is written by__________?

22 / 50

The study of Religions is called:___________?

23 / 50

Name the wife of Haroon ur Rasheed who was the mother of Al-Ameen and Al-Haroon.

24 / 50

The first Nimaz-e-Janazah performed by Holy Prophet (SAWS) was of which Sahabi?

25 / 50

The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of__________?

26 / 50

Who destroyed idol ?Manat??

27 / 50

Who Introduced Police System?

28 / 50

The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (RA) and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took place in________?

29 / 50

Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was____________?

30 / 50

Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum number of Ahadis?

31 / 50

Who was the commanders of the Infidels in the Battle of Uhud?

32 / 50

The literal meaning of the word Quran is________?

33 / 50

Which Surah of the Qur?an contains the word Allah in every verse?

34 / 50

Who destroyed idol ?Al-Uzza??

35 / 50

During Which prayer, the change of Qibla happened?

36 / 50

Who was made governor of south Yemen by Holy Prophet?

37 / 50

Meaning of Surah Al A?raaf is______________?

38 / 50

Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A?

39 / 50

Al-Maida means_________?

40 / 50

Mughal emperor Akbar enforced Din-I-Ilahi in____________?

41 / 50

Who was made wali of Makkah when Holy Prophet Left for Madina after stay of some days at Makkah after conquest of Makkah?

42 / 50

Holy Prophet (SAWS) laboured in the construction of which mosque?

43 / 50

What was the name of town in Israel which was the home of Hazrat Issa (A.S) in his youth?

44 / 50

How many Umahaat ul Momineen were Hufaaz?

45 / 50

How many years Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was younger than the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)?

46 / 50

Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya?

47 / 50

The word ?Takaful? comes from the Arabic root word__________?

48 / 50

In Torat by which name Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was called________?

49 / 50

Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah and Abu Kahafa R.A accepted Islam at the time of___________?

50 / 50

On whose suggestion The Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to release the prisoners of Badr war after taking ransom?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
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Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh