Agronomy Quiz 1


Agronomy Quiz 1

1 / 50

Dwarf varieties of wheat are more resistance to_______________?

2 / 50

The heating of atmosphere by gases that are transparent to sun light but opaque to radiated heat is called________________?

3 / 50

The total dry matter produced by a plant as a resulting photosynthesis is called_______________?

4 / 50

Gassypium hirsutum is________________?

5 / 50

In rice, high silicon content, in shoot confers resistance to_________________?

6 / 50

Number of crops grown on the same piece of land in a year and expressed in percentage is known as_______________?

7 / 50

Mg in plants act as___________________?

8 / 50

The available form of nitrogen for plants is_________________?

9 / 50

The harmful influence of one living plant on another living plant by the secretion of a toxic substance is called________________?

10 / 50

Gassypium barbadense was originated in__________________?

11 / 50

Hyderabad district area is in_________________?

12 / 50

The process of converting food nutrients to carbohydrates in plants is called________________?

13 / 50

Cultivation of same crop year after year is called________________?

14 / 50

The significance of difference among several means is tested with the level of_________________?

15 / 50

Allelopathy interaction between plants playa crucial role in___________________?

16 / 50

Electrolytes leakage is defendant on_________________?

17 / 50

The systematic arrangement of soil in to groups or categories is called_________________?

18 / 50

Initial vegetation that invades and occupies the area is called_________________?

19 / 50

Foliar application of nitrogen means applying nitrogen in solution form to___________________?

20 / 50

Organisms which are genetically modified are called_________________?

21 / 50

Precise assessment of pest pressure to evaluate Economic risk from pest infestations is called_________________?

22 / 50

income farm where the operator is producing primarly his family?s needs rather than for sale is called_______________?

23 / 50

Root rot of cotton is a_________________?

24 / 50

Sunflower is allelopathic crop to many____________________?

25 / 50

One rooting hormone occurring naturally in plant is ___________________?

26 / 50

Gassypium arborium is__________________?

27 / 50

Recommended method for cotton sowing is________________?

28 / 50

When crop plants adopt to a new environment are called___________________?

29 / 50

A treeless arctic plan is called as__________________?

30 / 50

The depth of water required by crops during the base period is called_____________________?

31 / 50

Best time of sowing for cotton is______________?

32 / 50

The deficient level of N(%) in plants suggested by various workers is_________________?

33 / 50

Seed bag labeled with white colour indicates_________________?

34 / 50

The leguminous plants are important in agriculture because_________________?

35 / 50

The K is predominantly in______________?

36 / 50

The soil has got______________?

37 / 50

Who described. the use of letrazolium for assessing, seed quality and the basis of topographical patterns___________________?

38 / 50

Cultivation of same crop year after year is called________________?

39 / 50

Pasturing system that allows short periods of heavy use followed by recover, period is called as_______________?

40 / 50

Hot with a cool winter is___________________?

41 / 50

Breeders seed production is taken up from the nucleus seed B and A lines are pollinated in an isolation of 1 Km in a ratio of_________________?

42 / 50

The cotton plant sheds more fruits mainly due to_________________?

43 / 50

Yield losses of rice crop due to weed infestation are___________________?

44 / 50

Solar energy emitted by sun reaches the earth surface absorbed and returned back in the form of___________________?

45 / 50

Effects of allelopathic compound in the life cycle of plants cause inhibition of________________?

46 / 50

Soil reaction of preference of sugarcane is________________?

47 / 50

Fumigating and warming soil by covering it with black plastic is called__________________?

48 / 50

Growing more then one crop in a season in the same land is called________________?

49 / 50

APTMA stands for_____________________?

50 / 50

One of the plant introduced from new world to the old world is_________________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh