Agronomy Quiz 5
1 / 50
The contribution of agriculture in the GDP of the country is____________________?
2 / 50
Ratio of economic yield to biological yield expressed in percentage is called_______________?
3 / 50
Which one of the following constitute the best defamation of fruit________________?
4 / 50
Among the important green house gases two are found in higher concentration________________?
5 / 50
genetic purity is assessed through________________?
6 / 50
One hectare is equal to___________________?
7 / 50
The crop which are cultivated for grain purposes are called_________________?
8 / 50
Allelopathy is an important component in the development of future integrated strategies for____________?
9 / 50
Prescribed germination percentage of foundation seed of ground nut is_________________?
10 / 50
Very hot and winterless condition is__________________?
11 / 50
Fertilizer application before seed sowing is called__________________?
12 / 50
In Raygistan area which districts of Sindh are included______________?
13 / 50
The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called__________________?
14 / 50
The ratio of actual cultivated area to a total farm area over a year is called__________________?
15 / 50
What is SAZDA_______________?
16 / 50
Vigor index of seedings in rice can be determined on___________________?
17 / 50
A foreign variety that is directly recommended for commercial cultivation is called_________________?
18 / 50
Progeny of nucleus seed is called_________________?
19 / 50
Electrolytes leakage is found greater in______________?
20 / 50
Integrated pest management involves________________?
21 / 50
The living together of two or more species in a prolonged and intimate ecological relationship is called________________?
22 / 50
A region with an annual rain fall of less than 10 inches comes under_________________?
23 / 50
Green revolution came into being due to evolution of_________________?
24 / 50
Low soil pH is the indication of_______________?
25 / 50
Gassypium barbadense was developed from a cross between__________________?
26 / 50
There is________________?
27 / 50
Abnormal seeding growth in rice is more closely related, with______________?
28 / 50
Annual rye grass releases a chemical through its root that prevents________________?
29 / 50
The potential means of enhancing productivity is_________________?
30 / 50
Removal of branches for forage is________________?
31 / 50
The total dry matter produced by a plant as a result of photosynthesis is called_________________?
32 / 50
Sowing seed without any tillage in the soil is called__________________?
33 / 50
Agro ecological regions of sindh are_____________________?
34 / 50
The practice of producing two successive crops of same species from same piece of land in one year is called_________________?
35 / 50
Narcotic crops mainly grown in Pakistan is_________________?
36 / 50
Plants which change from the vegetative to the reproductive stage by producing flowers and fruits when the day become longer is called________________?
37 / 50
The herb plants have___________________?
38 / 50
The environment where an organism lives is__________________?
39 / 50
A crop grown on residual moisture after harvesting rice is called__________________?
40 / 50
Who showed a positive correlation between tetrazolium staining with seed quality in soybean seeds ?
41 / 50
The ratio of actual cultivated? area to a total farm area over the year is called __________________?
42 / 50
Bacillus thuringensis season cotton is a________________?
43 / 50
The climates of sindh province comes under__________________?
44 / 50
Accumulation of transported material A to B horizon is known as____________________?
45 / 50
A condition of green plants in which they become unhealthy and pale fellow in colour is known as_________________?
46 / 50
Weedicides that kill the foliage of weeds by direct contact are as________________?
47 / 50
What do you mean by WTO__________________?
48 / 50
Organisms which feeds on dead and decaying organisms are called as_________________?
49 / 50
Natural water as pH equal to________________?
50 / 50
Water courses are lined to avoid_________________?
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