Agronomy Quiz 6
1 / 50
One of the following insect act as a vector for CLCV________________?
2 / 50
Pulling of off- type plants from a cropped field is called___________________?
3 / 50
Botanical name of American cotton is_________________?
4 / 50
Fertilizer requirements of wheat under medium loamy soil is________________?
5 / 50
Soil water in excess of hygroscopic and capillary water which moves downward through the soil by the force of gravity is called______________?
6 / 50
The plants which, grow neither in dry nor in wet condition are_______________________?
7 / 50
Seeds of wheat, paddy and maize showed positive correlation germination (%) and viability (%) as determined by________________?
8 / 50
CLCV stands for__________________?
9 / 50
Gassypium hirsutum was developed from a cross between________________?
10 / 50
A region with an annual rainfall less than 10 inches comes under_________________?
11 / 50
The pH of urea fertilizer is _________________?
12 / 50
Azolla which fixes nitrogen in rice field is__________________?
13 / 50
The actual amount H2O present in the air is called_____________?
14 / 50
Barani Agriculture institute is located at _________________?
15 / 50
Main reason behind the shedding of flower in cotton is__________________?
16 / 50
Tillage is field operation which help in cutting, loosening and inverting the soil for_________________?
17 / 50
The allelochemicals are broadly classified as_______________?
18 / 50
Allclopatluc interactions in general and the allelochemicals in particular are viewed as an important tool for_______________?
19 / 50
Plants grown in dry region are_________________?
20 / 50
When the course of water is blocked at some places if is called___________________?
21 / 50
The higher leachate conductivity is associated with__________________?
22 / 50
Losses of soil moisture vapour form is called as_________________?
23 / 50
On the basis of yield of cotton per hectare which of the following country occupies second position______________?
24 / 50
The ratio of treatment variance to error variance is known as_________________?
25 / 50
Ratio of crop yield to the amount of water utilized is called______________?
26 / 50
Seeds which dried at low moisture contents and stored at low temperature without loosing their viability are________________?
27 / 50
Who gave the formula for speed of germination_______________?
28 / 50
In B.T cotton B.T. stands for__________________?
29 / 50
In Pakistan the area effected due to water erosion is about_________________?
30 / 50
Pakistan has a total forest area of about_________________?
31 / 50
A method of estimating seed vigour on the basis of color intensity o the stained seeds was described by______________?
32 / 50
Partially decomposed organic matter is termed as___________________?
33 / 50
The application of fertilizer nutrients in proportions best suited to the needs of the crop is called_________________?
34 / 50
Major source of sugar in world is_________________?
35 / 50
Causal organism of root rot of cotton is_____________________?
36 / 50
The depth of irrigation water required for the full crop period is called_______________?
37 / 50
An example of monocot fiber yielding plant is_________________?
38 / 50
Highly decomposed stage of organic matter is called_______________?
39 / 50
The vegetation found on high altitude mountain is__________________?
40 / 50
A gas produced by anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds is called as_________________?
41 / 50
In 1992-93 the greatest decrease in the production of cotton was due to attack of_____________?
42 / 50
Melilotus alba is objectional weed of__________________________?
43 / 50
The role of boron and zinc has been recognized in crop_________________?
44 / 50
A method of control of pests in which natural predators and parasites are used without causing serious adverse environmental side effects is called_________________?
45 / 50
The root of cotton plant goes up to depth of_________________?
46 / 50
Use of linear measurements of plumule growth as a vigour test was first suggested by_______________?
47 / 50
A nutrient element is said to be essential if___________________?
48 / 50
Due to phosphorus deficiency in plants____________________?
49 / 50
The transport of a substance across a biological membrane against a concentration gradient is called___________________?
50 / 50
Allelochemicals are used as growth regulators and natural pesticides to promote__________________?
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