Algorithms, Objects & Iterators in C++ Quiz 1


Algorithms, Objects & Iterators in C++ Quiz 1

1 / 50

What is meant by heap?

2 / 50

What will happen in ?all_of? method if the range is empty?

3 / 50

How the sequence of objects can be accessed?

4 / 50

Pick out the incorrect method in non-modifying sequence algorithm?

5 / 50

To what kind of elements does non-modifying sequence algorithm can be applied?

6 / 50

What kind of functions are min and max in c++?

7 / 50

Which keyword is used to declare the min and max functions?

8 / 50

What is meant by hash tables in C++?

9 / 50

What is the header file for vector permutation?

10 / 50

Subsequent elements are moved in terms of _____ when an element in inserted in vector?

11 / 50

What is the header file used for declaring the standard library algorithms?

12 / 50

Which is used to iterate over container?

13 / 50

Which are instances of a class with member function operator() when it is defined?

14 / 50

What kind of object is modifying sequence algorithm?

15 / 50

What is meant by sequence point?

16 / 50

How many types are there in binary heaps?

17 / 50

How many parameters does a operator() in a function object shoud take?

18 / 50

What is the use of make_heap in the heap operation?

19 / 50

What is the use of adapter in STL in c++?

20 / 50

How many parameters are required for next_permutation?

21 / 50

How many kind of operation can be applied to transform method in c++?

22 / 50

Which operator is used to compare the elements in heap?

23 / 50

Which operator is used to compare the values to find min and max?

24 / 50

Which header is need to be used with function objects?

25 / 50

What is the type of the first item in the heap?

26 / 50

Which value is pointed out first in heap?

27 / 50

What does the size of the vector refers to in c++?

28 / 50

How many parameters are needed for minmax function?

29 / 50

Pick out the in correct type of function in header file.

30 / 50

How many parameters are present in mismatch method in non-sequence modifying algorithm?

31 / 50

What type of algorithm is not available in creating our own STL style algorithms?

32 / 50

Which function is used to return the minimum element in the range?

33 / 50

Pick out the correct statement about permutation.

34 / 50

What is meant by permutation in c++?

35 / 50

In what form does the STL provides heap?

36 / 50

How the different permutations are ordered in c++?

37 / 50

How to protect the heap from affecting the memory?

38 / 50

What kind of iteration does forward_list provide in C++?

39 / 50

Pick out the correct method in the c++ standard library algorithm.

40 / 50

When does the next sequence point start?

41 / 50

What are the two advantage of function objects than the function call?

42 / 50

How does a sequence of objects are accessed in c++?

43 / 50

What do input and output objects support?

44 / 50

Pick out the correct library in the following choices.

45 / 50

Pick out the correct statement about sequence point.

46 / 50

What does the function objects implement?

47 / 50

What operator is used to remove the dupplicates in the range?

48 / 50

What is the use of middle parameter in the rotate method?

49 / 50

In sequence point, how will the overloaded operators behave like?

50 / 50

What kind of execution does sequence point allow?

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