Algorithms, Objects & Iterators in C++ Quiz 2
1 / 47
Which operator is used to allocate the memory?
2 / 47
What are unary functors?
3 / 47
In which type of semantics does c++ implements iterator?
4 / 47
Which of the following is correct about Input Iterators?
5 / 47
6 / 47
Which of the following is a Modifying Sequence Operation?
7 / 47
How many ways are there to use functors?
8 / 47
Which of the header file is used to implement algorithms provided by C++ STL?
9 / 47
Which function is used increment the iterator by a particular value?
10 / 47
What is the use of includes function in c++?
11 / 47
What are binary functors?
12 / 47
What is the use of random_shuffle() function of STL algorithm?
13 / 47
How many types of Iterators are there?
14 / 47
What are functors in C++?
15 / 47
Which of the following is correct about Functors?
16 / 47
What are Iterators?
17 / 47
Which of the following is a Non-modifying Sequence Operation?
18 / 47
Which header file is used to manipulate the allocater?
19 / 47
What is the use of reference member type in allocator?
20 / 47
How many categories of iterators are there in c++?
21 / 47
What is the correct syntax for declaring an allocator?
22 / 47
How many types of sequence operations are provided by the C++ algorithm STL?
23 / 47
What kind of errors do checked iterators detect?
24 / 47
What does the checked iterator allow you to find?
25 / 47
What are Random-access Iterators?
26 / 47
1. What is the property of partial sort function provided by the STL algorithm?
27 / 47
What kind of pattern is iterator pattern?
28 / 47
What will happen if the iterator is unchecked?
29 / 47
Where are allocators implemented?
30 / 47
Which function can be used to find the sum of a vector container?
31 / 47
Which of the following operators are overloaded for functors?
32 / 47
Which of the following header file is required to use in-bulit functors of C++?
33 / 47
How many adaptors support the checked iterators?
34 / 47
Which of the following is an arithmetic unary functor?
35 / 47
How many parameters are required for sort_heap function?
36 / 47
Which operator is used to deallocate the memory?
37 / 47
Pick the correct statement.
38 / 47
Which of the following is correct?
39 / 47
Which of the following is an advantage of Forward iterator over input and output iterator?
40 / 47
What is the property of stable sort function provided by the STL algorithm?
41 / 47
Which of the following can serve as random-access iterator?
42 / 47
What is the correct function prototype of () operator overloading?
43 / 47
Which of the following is a logical unary functor?
44 / 47
What is the use of checked iterators?
45 / 47
What are Bi-directional iterators?
46 / 47
Which of te following is a built-in example of functors in C++?
47 / 47
Which header file is required to use accumulate() function?
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