Biochemistry Quiz 2
1 / 50
McArdles disease is due to the deficiency of_____________?
2 / 50
Cane sugar is____________?
3 / 50
Phosphofructokinase is the key enzyme of______________?
4 / 50
Angular cheilosis is frequently associated with deficiency of______________?
5 / 50
In maple syrup urine disease the amino acids excreted in the urine are______________?
6 / 50
Glucose can be synthesized from all except_____________?
7 / 50
Triglycerides in serum are transported by_______________?
8 / 50
In prolonged starvation the main nergy source of brain is_____________?
9 / 50
The following is not a carrier protein________________?
10 / 50
The lipid, which acumulates in fatty liver, is_______________?
11 / 50
Cholesterol levels in abnormal person should be preferably less than_____________?
12 / 50
In Hartnup?s disease _______ is excreted in the urine?
13 / 50
True about prostaglandins is______________?
14 / 50
In molecular cloning, Blue White screening is used for_______________?
15 / 50
The enzymes that catalyses the same reaction but differ in physical properties are called as_____________?
16 / 50
In human body which of the following trace element is next to iron_______________?
17 / 50
All are genetic amino acid deficiency disease except___________?
18 / 50
A small Ca+2 binding protein that modifies the activity of many enzymes and other proteins in response to changes of Ca+2 concentration is known as______________?
19 / 50
Which of the following enzymes use NADP as coenzyme ________________?
20 / 50
Which of the following is the poorest source of vitamin C ?
21 / 50
Cytochromes are_____________?
22 / 50
Generation of free radicals occurs by all of the following mechanism EXCEPT_____________?
23 / 50
The major fuel for the brain after several weeds of starvation______________?
24 / 50
True about G protein couple receptors is _________________ ?
25 / 50
The major lipids that make up the cell membrane are_______________?
26 / 50
Two Vitamin whose derivatives are involved in transformation of serine to glycine are_____________?
27 / 50
Vitamin B12 is_______________?
28 / 50
An essential for the conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver is____________?
29 / 50
Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and _______?
30 / 50
During phagocytosis the metabolic process called respiratory burst involves activation of_____________?
31 / 50
Which of the following is not a product of HMP shunt_____________?
32 / 50
The conversion of glucose 6-P to fructose 6-P is an example of which of the following reactions___________?
33 / 50
The sugar component of cerebrosides is_____________?
34 / 50
Translation occurs at______________?
35 / 50
FIGLU excretion test is to estimate deficiency of_______________?
36 / 50
Mutation in the oxidative enzymes (peroxisomes) could lead to_______________?
37 / 50
Key glycolytic enzymes_____________?
38 / 50
The amino acid, which is used is the estimation of collagen is_____________?
39 / 50
Iron is complexed in haemoglobin to_______________?
40 / 50
Ketone body formation takes place in_______________?
41 / 50
Which of these organelle functions as the digestive system of the cell ?
42 / 50
Transport form of iron is______________?
43 / 50
Enzymes involved in degradation of epinephrine_____________?
44 / 50
The first product of glycogenolysis is_____________?
45 / 50
Sources of the nucleotide portion of NAD include__________________?
46 / 50
A patient of type 2 diabetes mellitus is given nutrition rich in________________?
47 / 50
The 3 ? D?s dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia are seen in deficiency of____________?
48 / 50
Deficiency of vitamin C causes the following except____________?
49 / 50
Which of the following is correct of the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex ?
50 / 50
Both Vitamin K and C are involved in______________?
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