Biochemistry Quiz 3


Biochemistry Quiz 3

1 / 50

The reaction inhibited in thiamine deficiency is_______________?

2 / 50

The fuel value of fat is____________?

3 / 50

Detoxification of drugs is controlled by_____________?

4 / 50

The combination of main supporting enzyme is called______________?

5 / 50

Deficiency of which vitamin causes glossitis dementia roughed keratotic areas on skin and gastrointestinal symptoms ?

6 / 50

Which of the following is used in recombinant DNA technology ?

7 / 50

Glycemic index of a starchy food is a measure of its________________?

8 / 50

Deficiency of nicotinic acid results in____________?

9 / 50

Albinism is a genetic disease that results in incomplete metabolism of______________?

10 / 50

Which of the following amino acids is quickly converted to tyrosine ?

11 / 50

In Cytochrome p450, P stands for____________?

12 / 50

The following vitamin is important in non-oxidative decarboxylation, transamination and transsulfuration reactions_____________?

13 / 50

Vitamin A_____________?

14 / 50

The patient suffered from hypogondism, failure to thrive, lose of taste and unable to maintain stability. This shows the deficiency of_____________?

15 / 50

Aniacinosis results in______________?

16 / 50

Argentaffinoma is characterized by excess excretion of_____________?

17 / 50

Fat provides ______% of body?s calories?

18 / 50

Active form of vitamin D in kidney is_____________?

19 / 50

Peroxidase enzyme contain______________?

20 / 50

In the body, metabolism of 10 g of protein would produce approximately____________?

21 / 50

Limiting factory for fatty acid synthesis_________________?

22 / 50

Which of the following is precursor of adrenaline and thyroxine synthesis ?

23 / 50

Ribosomes are usually associated with______________?

24 / 50

Major contribution towards gluconeogenesis is by____________?

25 / 50

Which of the following process in involved in conversion of DNA to RNA___________?

26 / 50

Most lipogenic____________?

27 / 50

FSH, LH, TSH acts through_________________?

28 / 50

The initiation codon for protein synthesis is_____________?

29 / 50

The enzyme that splits hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen is_____________?

30 / 50

Serum creatine kinase-3 (CK-3) is elevated in_______________?

31 / 50

Which vitamin is synthesized by intestinal bacteria ?

32 / 50

In which type of glycogen storage disease is hyper uricemia a feature ?

33 / 50

All of the following are substrates for gluconeogenesis except_______________?

34 / 50

Enzyme that catalyses the transfer of a molecule group from one molecule to another is_____________?

35 / 50

Who is known for his work on scurvy ?

36 / 50

The main pathway for De ? Novo synthesis of fatty acids occurs in_______________?

37 / 50

Which of the following is abnormal constituent of urine_____________?

38 / 50

Multiienzyme complex in human_______________?

39 / 50

Km of an enzyme is_____________?

40 / 50

The most important role of cholesterol is_____________?

41 / 50

Coenzyme A contains which of the following vitamins_______________?

42 / 50

The reducing end of glutathione, the amino acid is_________________?

43 / 50

Enzymes stored in muscle is________________?

44 / 50

All are true regarding glucose 6 phosphate deficiency except______________?

45 / 50

Major source of ammonia in the kidney is___________?

46 / 50

Hydroxylation of proline require the following except____________?

47 / 50

Within the RBC hypoxia stimulates glycolysis by which of the following regulating pathways ?

48 / 50

ALbumin is synthesized by_____________?

49 / 50

Increase in pyruvate and lactate is seen in which of the following deficiency ?

50 / 50

Triglyceride synthesis synthesis is increased by______________?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
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