Biology Quiz 12
1 / 50
Earthworm is an example of ______________feeder?
2 / 50
Arterial blood contains _________ of CO2 per 100 ml of blood
3 / 50
in which cell ribosome are of large size and present either on endoplasmic reticulum or free in cytoplasm?
4 / 50
The unicellular organisms ingest large molecules into their cytoplasm from the external environment without previously digesting them. This process is called___________?
5 / 50
The internal buds are known as__________?
6 / 50
Voice box is another name used for___________?
7 / 50
A group of 8 cocci is called______________?
8 / 50
In golgi apparatus the maturing face is____________?
9 / 50
Magnesium is present in which of the following__________________?
10 / 50
Stem of Psilophyton an example of psilogsida is differentiated into an underground rhizome and an aerial part both of which are _________ branched
11 / 50
Bacteriochlorophylls does not include________________?
12 / 50
Transport of minerals from soil to epidermal cells of roots via carrier protein molcules along their concentration gradient is called___________?
13 / 50
What is called movement of cell against concentration gradient ?
14 / 50
Psedudocoelom is character of____________?
15 / 50
Higher vascular plants are also called__________?
16 / 50
Out of total organisms on earth, _____________are vascular plants?
17 / 50
E. coli and example of____________?
18 / 50
If a plasmolysed plant cell is placed in water the cell will___________?
19 / 50
Which of the following is a sentimentally arranged excretory system?
20 / 50
Active transport is dependent on____________?
21 / 50
The bristles on the body of the cockroach arise from__________?
22 / 50
Sperms of liverworts, mosses, ferns move towards archegonia, in response to uncleic acid released by the ovum. This is an example of ____________?
23 / 50
Operculum is present in_____________?
24 / 50
A chemical substance which can react (in place of substrate) with the enzyme but is not transformed into product/s and thus blocks the active site temporarily or permanently is called_______________?
25 / 50
Fibrous capsule surrounding synovial joints may be thickened at some places to form:
26 / 50
__________ is essential for the formation of hemoglobin.
27 / 50
Which type of motions are present in solid?
28 / 50
Bean shaped cells in plants are_________?
29 / 50
Splitting of glucose relates to_________?
30 / 50
Resolution power of a compound microscope is___________?
31 / 50
How many spiracles are present in cockroach_____________?
32 / 50
Which of the statement is not true for compounds like glycoprotein and glycolipids____________?
33 / 50
The dense fluid filled region in the chloroplast is____________?
34 / 50
An illness which largely affects girls usually just after the onset of puberty.
35 / 50
Which of the following manufactures carbohydrates by the process of photosynthesis?
36 / 50
Which of the following bacteria are thick rigid and spiral______________?
37 / 50
Complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place in which of the following?
38 / 50
The percentage of light absorbed by the leaf is ___________?
39 / 50
Which of the following is a compensation point:
40 / 50
Blood is carried towards the heart by __________?
41 / 50
The arrangement of unequal dichotomous branches in one plane during evolution of leaves is called_____________?
42 / 50
For the synthesis of 10g of glucose ______________ of energy is required?
43 / 50
The most important function of troponin is___________?
44 / 50
Which of the following statement about neuron is incorrect___________________?
45 / 50
Kind of cellular respiration which occurs in presence of oxygen is _________ ?
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Which of the following excretory structure is associated with gut of the organism?
47 / 50
If two ends of fractured bone are opened and kept united via screws and wires drilled in bone substance. This step in fracture repair is called___________?
48 / 50
Of the following which one is not included in Proterostomes?
49 / 50
Double fertilization occurs in_________?
50 / 50
Other name for Kingdom monera is_______________?
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