Biology Quiz 20
1 / 50
Hemoglobin molecule exhibits which structural organization of proteins___________?
2 / 50
The one which is a weed killer is___________?
3 / 50
The part of sporophyte which is called sporangium is____________?
4 / 50
Mantle in molluscs is present over____________?
5 / 50
In sponges fertilization takes place in____________?
6 / 50
Non flowering plants are also called plant_________?
7 / 50
Cell membrane under resting conditions is impermeable to all the ions except_____________?
8 / 50
Monocots are characterized by___________?
9 / 50
Actin and myosin are the basic proteins involved in contractile machinery of our body to which type of proteins do they belong____________?
10 / 50
The word virus is derived from Latin word venome meaning____________?
11 / 50
Sapwood is formed from_____________?
12 / 50
The atoms of different elements combine with each other through ionic or covalent bonding to produce compounds this stable form is called__________?
13 / 50
MSH is produced from___________?
14 / 50
The discease in which transmembrane carrier for the chloride ion is not produced is__________?
15 / 50
Which type of sensory structures carrying the touch sensations are present in papillae extending into ridges of the fingertips___________________?
16 / 50
Many bacteria in our digestive system synthesize vitamins for example vitamin_________?
17 / 50
Mosses are included in sub-division of ___________?
18 / 50
The most important group of producers in marine ecosystem is of__________?
19 / 50
___________ is used to relieve one kind of headache, migraine?
20 / 50
The space between the overtopped dichotomous branches was occupies by a sheet of _________ cells during evolution of megaphyllas?
21 / 50
Which Part of the Brain Regulates Body Temperature?
22 / 50
In acoelomates gut is ________ in origin.
23 / 50
Which of the following cytoplasmic extensions carry the message toward the cell body___________?
24 / 50
Term the time during which an orgnism is present in the body before causing disease ?
25 / 50
The only promoter of leaf senescence in the following plant hormones is________________?
26 / 50
Capillaries are the example of_________?
27 / 50
Lenticels look like__________?
28 / 50
Puccinia is a parasitic___________?
29 / 50
Parabronchi are open at ______________ end/s?
30 / 50
In most triploblasts after embryonic development the three layers are represented as___________?
31 / 50
If more substrate to already occurring enzymatic reaction is added and there is no effect on the rate of the reaction what is the form given to this situation___________?
32 / 50
Steps Involved in scienti?c method are ?
33 / 50
On wound __________ fight foreign particles, like bacteria?
34 / 50
It is the discharge of blood from blood vessels?
35 / 50
Interconversion of carbohydrates proteins and lipids in living cells are an example of____________?
36 / 50
All phostosynthetic euglenoids lose their chlorophyll when grown in dark and obtain their nutrients heterotrophically this statement is___________?
37 / 50
On which of the following site the posterior pituitary hormone acts predominantly?
38 / 50
Chlorophyll is a/an _____ molecule?
39 / 50
Lime stone deposits are formed from__________?
40 / 50
Which of the following contains genes for drug and disease resistance in bacteria?
41 / 50
According to cohesion-tension theory, tension is created by__________________?
42 / 50
Acromegaly is caused due to oversecretion of____________?
43 / 50
Diatomaceous earth is used for making __________?
44 / 50
A structure formed by groups of similar cells organized into loose sheets or bundles performing similar functions is called as:
45 / 50
How many species of fungi are known till now?
46 / 50
The experiments on DNA molecules in chromosomes for knowing the basis of inherited diseases are conducted by________?
47 / 50
Number of pairs of cranial nerves is__________?
48 / 50
The stent energy in the form of ADP is regenerated by mitochondria into__________?
49 / 50
The molecules of living matter that provide building blocks are mostly based on:
50 / 50
The place of attachment of leaf with the shoot is called__________?
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