Biology Quiz 24
1 / 50
Maximum speed of nerve impulse transmission is____________?
2 / 50
Carbohydrates, fats & proteins are essential for_______________?
3 / 50
Which of the following substance is most favorable to form structural component of biological membranes___________?
4 / 50
Yellowish glandular structure which produces progesterone is_____________?
5 / 50
Sodium ions are ?pumped? from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of
6 / 50
What is the function of synapse________________?
7 / 50
Based on molecular data euglenoids are thought to be closely related to___________?
8 / 50
Due to which property of Adiantum and example of Filicinae is called Maidenhairfern________________?
9 / 50
Those bacteria which are fully dependent upon their host for nutrition are called__________?
10 / 50
In which of the following location enzymes controlling cellular respiration are present____________?
11 / 50
prokaryotic and eukaryotic are two types of___________?
12 / 50
Incomplete or imperfect digestion is known as________?
13 / 50
If the concentration of enzyme is kept constant and amount of substrate is increased a point is reached where increase in substrates concentration does not affect the reaction rate because of____________________?
14 / 50
What is the branch of biology in which structure and function of tissues are studied___________?
15 / 50
In which of the following neurons length of dendrite is greater than axon_______________?
16 / 50
Which of the following statement about the head of a chlorophyll molecule is incorrect?
17 / 50
The first organism of whose genome was completely discovered was____________?
18 / 50
Cooley?s anemia is another name used for___________?
19 / 50
Lipids are soluble in which of the following_______________?
20 / 50
All of the following are elements that plants need in very small amounts except___________?
21 / 50
The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the__________?
22 / 50
branches of biology and medicine concerned with the structure and function of plant and animal cells is called___________?
23 / 50
A bond formed by linkage between -OH of carboxyl group of one amino acid and H of amino group of another amino acid which releases water is called__________?
24 / 50
Enterobius vermicularis is commonly known as____________?
25 / 50
Which of the following vertebrates have a fish-like body?
26 / 50
Molecular formula of chlorophyll b is_____________?
27 / 50
The word ?BIOLOGY? has been derived from_________ word?
28 / 50
Production of two types of spores is known as________________?
29 / 50
Which one are most complex sugar_____________?
30 / 50
The one which is not a globular protein__________?
31 / 50
Which of the following structure provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria__________?
32 / 50
Megaphylls i.e. leaves with divided veins with an expanded lamina is a dharacteristic of ___________________?
33 / 50
_____________ is a nervous disorder characterized by involuntary tremors, diminished motor power and rigidity?
34 / 50
Sporangia of which of the following tracheopytes develop singly on the upper side of sporophylls which may or may not be arranged to form strobili_____________?
35 / 50
Spirochete is an example of___________?
36 / 50
Diatoms stay afloat due to___________?
37 / 50
The common waste material in bacteria is____________?
38 / 50
Self pollination is not possible in ________ ?
39 / 50
Which of the following mechanism explains development of anemia in Renal failure?
40 / 50
The organisms able to use sunlight directly as a source of energy are_____________?
41 / 50
Which of the following bone is not present in the hind-limb?
42 / 50
Unbroken series of organisms arranged from ancestor to descendant sequence is____________?
43 / 50
Cellular digestion is associated with which organelle__________?
44 / 50
PCR stand for _________?
45 / 50
Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as___________?
46 / 50
Kingdom protista includes_____________phyla?
47 / 50
Which of the following acts as thermoregulator?
48 / 50
In planaria, numerous small branches which end blindly are called as__________?
49 / 50
Secretin is a hormone produced by___________?
50 / 50
Division of nucleus is termed as___________ ?
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