Biology Quiz 25
1 / 50
The biggest group of invertebrates is_________?
2 / 50
Mode of transmission of hepatitis A is__________?
3 / 50
Ribosomes are tiny Granules first studied in 1955 by__________?
4 / 50
Functional units of lungs are called________?
5 / 50
All plants do not possess___________?
6 / 50
If more substrate to already occurring enzymatic reaction is added more enzyme activity is seen because_____________?
7 / 50
Inhibitors which block the enzyme by forming weak bond are called___________?
8 / 50
For which of the following no preventive vaccine is available?
9 / 50
The type of plastids which help in pollination is_________?
10 / 50
Formation of heat shock proteins in plants results in___________?
11 / 50
Chlorophylls mainly absorb _________ wavelengths?
12 / 50
Air contains __________ % of CO2 ?
13 / 50
Who discovered the living cell first time?
14 / 50
Crysanthemum is propagated by___________?
15 / 50
Which is not a vertebrate ?
16 / 50
___________ is a mammal who fly?
17 / 50
Oxygen accounts for ____ % of totals human body mass?
18 / 50
Which of the following bones bones are present in the plam of hand?
19 / 50
Which of the following is largest part of brain?
20 / 50
Accurate name given to blood is ___________ ?
21 / 50
Which character differentiates living things from non-living organisms?
22 / 50
There are _________ hypothesis which may explain opening and closing of stomata?
23 / 50
Microfossile often present in petroleum producing formationsare those of__________?
24 / 50
Photosystem II has molecules which absorbs maximum light of___________?
25 / 50
The active site of an enzyme______________?
26 / 50
Midgut in cockroach is a short narrow tube called____________?
27 / 50
Cuticular transpiration is _____________ of total transpiration?
28 / 50
Cytoskeleton involved in assembly and disassembly of the spindle during mitosis is of_________?
29 / 50
In term of spore production Selaginella is characterized by________________?
30 / 50
The study of nature is called__________?
31 / 50
The word Archaeobacteria (a division of bacteria) derived from Greek means___________?
32 / 50
DNA or RNA of viruses is enclosed in _______________ coat?
33 / 50
DNA of mitochondria is__________?
34 / 50
Which of the following muscle is an antagonistic member of Biceps brachii?
35 / 50
Cellular organelles related with H2O2 are___________?
36 / 50
Number of chromosomes in E.coli ?
37 / 50
In Glycin an amino acid R group is replaced by____________?
38 / 50
Production of pyrogens is a __________ phenomenon?
39 / 50
In which of the following pigments major energy reserves and cell wall are like plants?
40 / 50
Haemoglobin can be almost completely oxygenated by an oxygen pressure of __________ of mercury.
41 / 50
In which of the following example of fungi dikaryotic hyphae exist for long period?
42 / 50
Circular disc shaped structure with a round hole is ___________ ?
43 / 50
Which of the following statements about fractures in old age is incorrect?
44 / 50
what is the scientific name of onion?
45 / 50
If enzyme concentration is low than substrate pH and temperature values are equal to requirement then which of the following will increase rate of reaction____________________?
46 / 50
95% of the cytoplasm of RBCs is____________?
47 / 50
In most birds air sacs are ____________ in number?
48 / 50
The site/s where most of the uptake of water and minerals take place is/are__________?
49 / 50
The movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential (through membrane)
50 / 50
The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological time period and thus placing organisms in a time squence came from the studies by ?
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