Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 1


Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 1

1 / 50

?Cryogenics? is concerned with the generation & use of low temperature in the range of______?

2 / 50

A common disinfectant used in village wells for disinfection of water is ___________?

3 / 50

__________ property of a material is determined by the Herbert Pendulum device?

4 / 50

________ is not a case hardening process ?

5 / 50

__________ furnace is generally used in the non-ferrous foundries ?

6 / 50

_______ pipe is the most suitable for carrying sanitary drainage?

7 / 50

________ test can be termed as the semi-destructive test?

8 / 50

______ glass is used in the mercury in glass thermometer meant for measuring a temperature of 500?C ?

9 / 50

__________ is not a heat treatment process ?

10 / 50

_________ is the hardest material out of the following ?

11 / 50

__________ is not used as a material of construction in thermocouples ?

12 / 50

________ is the trade name assigned to a non-ferrous cast alloy composed of cobalt, chromium & tungsten ?

13 / 50

?Flare tower? used in industry is meant for_______?

14 / 50

___________ stress cannot be sustained by a fluid in equilibrium ?

15 / 50

?Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology? has been ______?

16 / 50

______ is the process of coating the surface of steel with aluminium oxide, thereby imparting it increased resistance to corrosion & oxidation upto a temperature of 700?C ?

17 / 50

?Ice point? is designated on Fahrenheit temperature scale by___________?

18 / 50

________ number determines whether the fluid flow in an open channel is super-critical, critical or sub-critical ?

19 / 50

_______ circuit is most commonly used to measure strain with the help of a strain gauge?

20 / 50

________ has a negative co-efficient of linear expansion?

21 / 50

_______ of austenite decreases the hardenability in steel ?

22 / 50

_______ cannot increase the fatigue strength of a material?

23 / 50

___________ fluid force is not considered in the Navier-Stokes equation?

24 / 50

________ temperature remains constant during adiabatic saturation process of unsaturated air ?

25 / 50

_________ property of steel increases by addition of large amount of silicon in it?

26 / 50

_____ is the process used for setting up compressive stresses in the surface of a metal to improve its fatigue strength ?

27 / 50

A 2 kg object weighs 1.8 kgf on a spring balance. The value of ?g? at that location in m/sec2 is_____?

28 / 50

______ flux is used for the extraction of metal from its self fluxing ores?

29 / 50

______ metal is used as a bearing liner material?

30 / 50

_________ is a special constituent of chlorophyll without which photosynthesis is not possible ?

31 / 50

______ of hard alloy and tool steel is done to make it easily machinable ?

32 / 50

_______ the exhaust gas is an indication of the incomplete combustion of fuel?

33 / 50

?GASOHOL? widely used in Brazil as a motor fuel is a mixture of alcohol and______?

34 / 50

__________ is the most suitable lubricant for drawing mild steel wires?

35 / 50

________ rubber is generally used for making ?O? rings used for vacuum sealings?

36 / 50

__________ can replace tungsten in high speed steel ?

37 / 50

?Dikes? are low height walls made around the storage vessels meant for storing hazardous & inflammable material (e.g., petroleum products). Volume of dikes is equal to (where, V = volume of the storage vessel) ?

38 / 50

________ is the most important element, which controls the physical properties of steel ?

39 / 50

_______ wire is never used for making the heating element ?

40 / 50

______ are normally subjected to sub-zero treatment?

41 / 50

_______ joint is usually used for joining cast iron pipes mostly used for temporary pipelines, where it may be necessary to dismantle & reassemble the pipeline very frequently ?

42 / 50

_______ of grey cast iron produces white cast iron?

43 / 50

_______ is not used as the control rod material in a nuclear reactor ?

44 / 50

________ test determines the yield strength, Young?s modulus of elasticity, percentage reduction in area & percentage elongation of a material ?

45 / 50

________ is the hardest oxide and is hence used where high wear resistance at high temperature is required?

46 / 50

___________ of air does not increase with increase in temperature?

47 / 50

________ iron is produced by the annealing of white cast iron?

48 / 50

________ is a non volatile film forming constituent of a paint ?

49 / 50

?Amortization? in respect of financial obligation of a company means the_______?

50 / 50

___________ is used for tying the steel columns to concrete foundation?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
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Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh