Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 11


Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 11

1 / 50

The following thermocouple may be used for measuring temperature upto 1873?K___________?

2 / 50

The majority charge carriers in p-type silicon are________?

3 / 50

The boiling & freezing points on a newly defined temperature scale in degree ?D? are 400?D & 100?D respectively. The temperature reading corresponding to 60?C on this new temperature scale will be equal to ______ ?D ?

4 / 50

The bank of tubes located at the back of the domestic refrigerators are the ________ tubes?

5 / 50

The efficiency of a Carnot heat engine operating between absolute temperatures T1 and T2 (when, T1 > T2) is given by (T1 ? T2)/T1. The co-efficient of performance (CO.P.) of a Carnot heat pump operating between T1 and T2 is given by__________?

6 / 50

The heat of neutralisation remains constant, when there is a reaction between dilute solutions of strong _______?

7 / 50

The difference between gross & net calorific values of fuel is due to the_____?

8 / 50

The life of a ball bearing is inversely proportional to_________?

9 / 50

The main constituent of bones is ________?

10 / 50

The burnout heat flux in the nucleate boiling regime is not a function of the__________?

11 / 50

The atmospheric temperature during melting of ice/snow (in the atmosphere)__________?

12 / 50

The excess air required for the combustion of pulverized coal is of the order of about ________ percent ?

13 / 50

The malleability of a material is the property by virtue of which it can be rolled or hammered into thin sheets. Which of the following materials has the maximum malleability ?

14 / 50

The amount of water evaporated in kg per kg of fuel burnt in a boiler is called the _______ of a boiler ?

15 / 50

The approximate height of a blast furnace having a useful volume of 2000 m3 is about ________ metres ?

16 / 50

The function of neutral flux used in the pyrometallurgy of metal extraction is to increase the ______ of the slag ?

17 / 50

The amount of different substances produced, when the same quantity of electricity is passed through different solutions are proportional to their___________?

18 / 50

The hardenability of steel decreases with___________?

19 / 50

The lightest non-inflammable gas is__________?

20 / 50

The activity co-efficient of the solute in a dilute solution ?

21 / 50

The Al2O3 content of cryolite in Hall-Heroult cell is maintained between ________ percent ?

22 / 50

The maximum stress below which a material can withstand an infinite number of cycle of stress, is termed as the_________?

23 / 50

The cathode in an electrochemical cell always carries______?

24 / 50

The co-ordination number in simple cubic structure is_____?

25 / 50

The maximum thickness of the metal which can be welded using ultrasonic welding is ______ mm ?

26 / 50

The following type of bonding is strongly directional in solids ?

27 / 50

The emf of a Deniell cell ?Zn | Zn2+ || Cu2+ | Cu? can be increased by__________?

28 / 50

The activity of pure hydrogen gas at 1000?C and 5 atm pressure__________?

29 / 50

The main charge in blast furnace is usually_____?

30 / 50

The fugacity of liquid water at 298 K is approximately 3171 Pa. Considering the ideal heat of vaporisation as 43723 J/gm.mole, its fugacity at 300 K would be_________?

31 / 50

The concentration of (H+) ions is 4 x 10-5 in a solution. Then pH of the solution will be (Given log 4 = 0.6) ?

32 / 50

The condition of diffraction from a crystal is given by_______?

33 / 50

The kinematic viscosity (in stoke) and the absolute/dynamic viscosity (in poise) are the same for _______ at room temperature ?

34 / 50

The heat treatment to which the steel wire containing > 0.25% carbon is subjected to is_____?

35 / 50

The cooling rate required to freeze 1 ton of water at 0?C into ice at 0?C in 24 hours is _______ BTU/hr?

36 / 50

The best lubricants for a machine working at high temperature & load is__________?

37 / 50

The behaviour of a metal specimen, which when plastically strained in tension reduces its yield stress in compression and vice versa; is termed as the________?

38 / 50

The effect of friction on the flow of steam through a nozzle is to decrease the ________ of steam?

39 / 50

The delivery pressure of boiler feed water pump compared to the boiler steam pressure is_____?

40 / 50

The best guide to judge the general quality of water is the measurement of its___________?

41 / 50

The difference in one unit of Rockwell hardness number corresponds to a difference in the depth of indentation of _______ mm ?

42 / 50

The elastic strain in copper is due to the___________?

43 / 50

The expected efficiency of a single riveted lap joint is of the order of 50%. If the thickness of the plate is increased four times, then the rivet diameter will have to be increased _____ times ?

44 / 50

The diffusion co-efficient of Ni in Cu at 1000 K is 1.93 ? 10-16 m2S-1 and it is 1.94 ? 10-14 m2S- 1 at 1200 K. The activation energy (in k. J.mole-1) for the diffusion of Ni in Cu is__________?

45 / 50

The friction factor for the turbulent fluid flow in a rough pipe does not depend upon the__________?

46 / 50

The highest stress that a material can withstand for a specified length of time without excessive deformation is called the _____ strength ?

47 / 50

The heat released by cooling one mole of copper from 400 K to room temperature (300 K) is (assume : Cp of copper is 23 J K-1mole-1) ?

48 / 50

The leaching solvent used in Baeyer?s process for the purification of bauxite is_____?

49 / 50

The laminar boundary layer thickness in zero pressure gradient flow over a flat plate along the x-direction varies as x0.5 while the thickness of turbulent boundary layer varies as (where, x = distance from the leading edge) ?

50 / 50

The dimensional formula of bulk modulus of elasticity is same as that of the ______?

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