Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 13
1 / 50
Unit of viscosity in CGS system is_________?
2 / 50
Thermit welding uses the following energy source ?
3 / 50
Tip of the match stick contains a mixture of_________?
4 / 50
Thermal diffusivity of a substance is proportional to (where, k = Thermal conductivity) ______?
5 / 50
Wave length of X-rays is about 1 angstrom; however it cannot pass through a sheet of _________?
6 / 50
Thermal efficiency of an internal combustion engine is around _______ percent?
7 / 50
Ultimate strength in tension as compared to that in shear for steel is______?
8 / 50
Transformer cores are normally made from ________?
9 / 50
Water-tube boiler is the one, in which _______?
10 / 50
Though tin occurs lower than iron in the electrochemical series, yet it is coated on steel for corrosion protection, because of its_________?
11 / 50
Theoretical volume of oxygen required for complete combustion of 1Nm3 of acetylene, in oxy-acetylene welding is _______ Nm3 ?
12 / 50
Transition from laminar to turbulent zone in free convection heat transfer is governed by the critical value of ?
13 / 50
Thermit welding is categorised as the ________ welding ?
14 / 50
The usual energy consumption in electric arc furnace steel making is ______ KWh/ton of steel ?
15 / 50
Volume of blast furnace slag is about ________ times the volume of hot metal (pig iron) of the same weight ?
16 / 50
What happens, when SO2 is passed through a solution of H2S in water ?
17 / 50
Velocity of a gas in sound is not proportional to (where, T = Absolute temperature of the gas. P = Absolute pressure of the gas. y = Ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) ? = specific weight of the gas) ?
18 / 50
Thermal equivalent of electrical power in practical calculation is ________ kcal/kWh ?
19 / 50
Tin based white metals are used, where bearings are subjected to_____?
20 / 50
Volumetric composition of flue gas analysed with the Orsat apparatus is : CO2 = 12%, O2 = 8%, CO = nil, N2 = 80%. This flue gas composition indicates that__________?
21 / 50
Thermal conductivity of a material does not depend upon its_______?
22 / 50
What is the percentage of chromium in 18-4-1 high speed steel ?
23 / 50
Titanium is added to molten aluminium alloys before casting for the purpose of_______?
24 / 50
Two solutions A1 & A2 have pH value of 2 & 6 respectively. It implies that the solution ?
25 / 50
Thermodynamic cycle involved in the working of a thermal power plant is the _______ cycle ?
26 / 50
Viscoelastic behaviour is observed in _________ materials?
27 / 50
Uniform ramming of sand in green sand moulding process leads to______?
28 / 50
The unit of gc is _____?
29 / 50
Transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow in fluid flow through a pipe does not depend upon the_____?
30 / 50
Tumbling is the process of improving the _________ of the materials/parts ?
31 / 50
Two wires of the same radius & material having length in the ratio of 1 : 2 are stretched by the same force. The strain produced in the two wires will be in the ratio of___________?
32 / 50
Use of economiser in a boiler plant reduces the fuel consumption for steam generation by about ________ percent ?
33 / 50
To improve the machinability of steel, it is generally subjected to _______?
34 / 50
Transformation range for ferrous material is the temperature interval during which _____ is formed during its heating?
35 / 50
The value of y = cp/cv. at < 500?C for air & most common gases can be safely assumed to be_______?
36 / 50
Vernier calipers cannot be used to measure the________?
37 / 50
The underground well of a bio gas plant is called the_________?
38 / 50
Venturimeter is used to measure the flow rate of fluids in pipes, when the pipe is in _______ position ?
39 / 50
Wavelength of radiation emitted by a body depends on the _________ of its surface?
40 / 50
Titanium is produced by _____ of Ti Cl4 ?
41 / 50
Water hammer is caused in steam carrying pipelines, because of ________?
42 / 50
Upto the critical radius of insulation, added insulation, will______?
43 / 50
What is the critical radius of insulation (cms) for a metallic cylinder, if the convective heat transfer co-efficient with the ambient atmosphere is 5 W/m2. ?K? Thermal conductivity of metal and insulation material are 40 and 0.1 W/m.?K respectively ?
44 / 50
Triple point of water is___________?
45 / 50
To counteract the bad effects of strain hardening on a cold formed part, it must be ________?
46 / 50
Unit of surface tension in S.I. unit is__________?
47 / 50
Use of water as a manometric liquid suffers from the disadvantage of its______?
48 / 50
Use of flux during soldering is done to___________?
49 / 50
Unbreakable crockeries are made from _______ polymers?
50 / 50
The yield point phenomenon observed in annealed low carbon steel is due to the presence of the following element ?
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