Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 15


Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 15

1 / 47

Wrought iron is not______?

2 / 47

Work study deals with the ________ study?

3 / 47

Which one is neutral in character ?

4 / 47

Work required for compression of a gas contained in a cylinder is 7000 kJ. During compression, heat interaction of 3000 kJ causes the surroundings to be heated. Internal energy change of the gas during the compression is ___________ kJ ?

5 / 47

Wrought iron is never shaped by___________?

6 / 47

Which of the following metals reacts violently with water ?

7 / 47

With increase in compression ratio, the volumetric efficiency of air compressor______?

8 / 47

Which of the, following is not associated with the functioning of a petrol engine ?

9 / 47

While the oxy-acetylene flame produces a temperature of 3200?C, the temperature produced by oxy-hydrogen flame is about ______ ?C ?

10 / 47

With increase in annealing temperature, the following defect density decreases?

11 / 47

With increase in temperature, the surface tension of water_________?

12 / 47

Which of the following terminology is used for the temperature at which new grains are formed in a metal ?

13 / 47

Work hardenable alloy steel used to make the bucket wheel excavators, blades of bulldozers and other earth moving equipments contain iron, carbon and _____?

14 / 47

Which one of the following is incombustible ?

15 / 47

Which of the following parameters is not responsible for the heat loss from a hot steam carrying bare pipe surface located in a room without fans ?

16 / 47

Young?s modulus of a material is the measure of its _____?

17 / 47

With increase in impurities in metals, their corrosion resistances______?

18 / 47

Which of the following materials does not form adherent oxide film on surface ?

19 / 47

Which of the following metals is the most prone to work hardening ?

20 / 47

Which of the following phenomenon will exhibit the minimum heat transfer ?

21 / 47

While the bin cards are used in the effective stores management, the queuing theory is associated with the ________ time ?

22 / 47

Which of the following performance characteristics of a S.I engine is not affected by the front end volatility of the petrol used ?

23 / 47

With decrease in the grain size of a material, its creep resistance_____?

24 / 47

Which of the following materials has the least scrap value ?

25 / 47

X-rays are___________?

26 / 47

Wood is a/an _______ material ?

27 / 47

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

28 / 47

Wohler test is a destructive test to find out the _____ strength of a prepared metal specimen ?

29 / 47

With increase in steam pressure, its specific volume decreases ______?

30 / 47

With increase in temperature, the electrical conductivity of a __________ decreases ?

31 / 47

Work done by a/an __________ process is determined by ?p. dv ?

32 / 47

With increasing carbon percent in steel beyond 0.8%, its ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and ______ is not affected ?

33 / 47

Working of linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) is based on the principle of variable_______?

34 / 47

While the recrystallisation temperature for pure metals is 0.3 Tm, the same for alloys is equal to _______ ? Tm (where, Tm Melting temperature) ?

35 / 47

Which of the following metals cannot be hot worked at room temperature ?

36 / 47

Which of the following relationships is correct for relating the three elastic constants of an isotropic elastic material (where, E = Young?s modulus, G = Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus v = Poisson?s ratio) ?

37 / 47

Which of the following processes follows the hardening process for reducing the hardening strains & increasing the toughness of the steel part ?

38 / 47

Which of the following properties of a solid is not dependent on crystal imperfection ?

39 / 47

Which of the following rays has the least wavelength ?

40 / 47

Yield strength of a polycrystalline metal with an average grain size ?d?, is proportional to ______?

41 / 47

Which of the following metals is not subjected to electrolytic refining/purification ?

42 / 47

Which one can be directly solidified from gaseous state without entering into liquid state ?

43 / 47

Which of the following materials has the poorest electrical conductivity ?

44 / 47

Which of the following varies as the square root of oil pressure during atomisation of fuel oil through a pressure jet burner ?

45 / 47

Which of the following phenomenon/ phenomena is/are diffusion controlled ?

46 / 47

While the thermosetting polymers are amorphous in nature, the thermoplastic polymers are either amorphous or crystalline. The crystalline polymers are characterized by the ?

47 / 47

Wrought iron does not have___________?

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