Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 2
1 / 50
A material is capable of resisting softening at high temperature, because of its property termed as______?
2 / 50
A high pressure boiler generates steam at a pressure greater than _______ kg/cm2 ?
3 / 50
A form of stress corrosion failure termed as ?season cracking? is generally observed in ___________?
4 / 50
Addition of ________ to steel does not help in improving its machinability ?
5 / 50
A pycnometer is used for the measurement of__________?
6 / 50
Addition of ______ to steel does not help in improving its machinability?
7 / 50
According to maximum shear stress failure criterion, yielding in material occurs, when the maximum shear stress is equal to ________ times the yield stress ?
8 / 50
Age hardening is connected with_________?
9 / 50
A metal having a Poisson?s ratio = 0.3 is elastically deformed under uniaxial tension. If the longitudinal strain = 0.8, then the magnitude of thickness strain is_________?
10 / 50
A jig is used while ___________ a hole?
11 / 50
All the atoms of the world comprise of electrons, proton & neutron except that of _______ atom in which neutron is absent ?
12 / 50
A material in which the atoms are arranged regularly in some directions but not in others, is termed as ?mesomorphous material?; an example of which is__________?
13 / 50
Absolute zero pressure can be attained at a temperature of_____?
14 / 50
Alcohols are not suitable as diesel engine fuel because the cetane number of alcohols is______?
15 / 50
A fire tube boiler is limited to a maximum steam pressure of about _______ kg/cm2 ?
16 / 50
Air/fuel ratio by weight for combustion of methane with theoretical quantity of air will be about ______?
17 / 50
Alloying elements present in Haynes stellite, which has superior performance than high speed steel, are______?
18 / 50
A material subjected _________ must have high resilience?
19 / 50
A spring material should have low___________?
20 / 50
A steam pipe is intended to be insulated with two layers of insulating materials of different thermal conductivities. For minimum heat transfer to take place__________?
21 / 50
A jet engine turbine blade is normally manufactured by______?
22 / 50
All of the following alloying elements of steel increases hardness but sacrifice ductility, except_________?
23 / 50
A dense structure of grinding wheel is not used for the_______?
24 / 50
A highly elastic material is deformed least on loading and retains its original form on removal of the load. Which of the following is the most elastic material ?
25 / 50
A cylindrical rod subjected to a tensile strain within the elastic limit undergoes a volume change. If the volume strain is equal to half the tensile strain, then the Poisson?s ratio of the rod is_____?
26 / 50
A solid aluminium ball, when quenched in a water bath maintained at 40?C, cools down from 550?C to 450?C in 20 seconds. The expected temperature of the ball after next 20 seconds may be about ______ ?C?
27 / 50
Absolute zero, pressure will occur, when the molecular momentum of the system becomes zero. A liquid will cease to exist as liquid at_________?
28 / 50
Addition of _______ to steel does not impart hardness?
29 / 50
Alloys having more than 80% copper are generally more________?
30 / 50
A compact estimate about the amount of materials handling between various work stations is obtained from the_______?
31 / 50
Air-petrol ratio in an automotive petrol engine is around _________?
32 / 50
According to thermodynamic Fahrenheit scale, the fundamental interval between ice point to steam point is___________?
33 / 50
A material being tested for endurance strength is subjected to the ______ load?
34 / 50
Alloy powder manufactured by the following process have spherical shapes ?
35 / 50
A semi-conductor is damaged & behaves like a conductor, on passing a strong electric current through it, because it heats up the crystals & breaks the covalent bonds resulting in ________ electrons ?
36 / 50
Aluminium is extracted from______?
37 / 50
A solar cell converts the sunlight directly into _______ energy?
38 / 50
A material being tested for endurance strength is subjected to the ________ load ?
39 / 50
A fluid is termed as the Newtonian fluid, when the shear stress is __________ the velocity gradient ?
40 / 50
41 / 50
A gas which is collected over water becomes moistened due to water vapor, exerts its own partial pressure at the gas temperature, which is termed as its________?
42 / 50
Air/fuel ratio on molar (volume) basis for combustion of methane with theoretical quantity of air with be_________?
43 / 50
A dummy activity is used in PERT network to describe the_______?
44 / 50
A furnace is made of a refractory brick wall of thickness 0.5 metre and thermal conductivity 0.7 W/m.?K For the same temperature drop and heat loss, this refractory wall can be replaced by a layer of diatomaceous earth of thermal conductivity 0.14 W/m.K and thickness _______ metre?
45 / 50
Air standard Otto cycle is more efficient than the diesel cycle for the same___________?
46 / 50
Ammonia leakage in the refrigeration system is detected by__________?
47 / 50
A particle is settling in a liquid under Stokesian conditions. The free falling velocity of the particle is proportional to______?
48 / 50
Alumina, silica, lime and iron oxide are the basic raw material for the manufacture of Portland cement. The component of Portland cement which first hardens is_______?
49 / 50
A reduction in thermal resistance during heat transfer does not occur in the_____?
50 / 50
Ammonia gas can be dried by_____?
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