Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 3
1 / 50
At the point of boundary layer separation in fluid flow, the _______?
2 / 50
Atomic __________ of an element is a whole number ?
3 / 50
Blasting of tri-nitro-toluene (TNT) is done by mixing it with ammonium________?
4 / 50
Annealing of white cast iron produces _______ iron?
5 / 50
Calorific value of ______ are almost same?
6 / 50
Batch process is preferred over continuous process, when the_____?
7 / 50
Angular displacement can be measured suitably by a________?
8 / 50
Blast furnace slag is mainly molten__________?
9 / 50
Baffles provided on the shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger are meant for _______?
10 / 50
Biological shield in a nuclear reactor is generally provided to protect against the___________?
11 / 50
Austempering of steel requires it to be heated to 875?C followed by sudden cooling to 250- 525?C, thereby changing austenite to_____?
12 / 50
Brazing filler metal used for joining steel plates__________?
13 / 50
Change in volume of metals from absolute zero temperature to their melting points is_____?
14 / 50
Brass parts with high residual tensile stress at the surface are susceptible to season cracking (i.e. spontaneous cracking occuring on exposure to atmospheric corrosion), if its zinc percentage is more than ?
15 / 50
Boiler draught of 10 mm water column is equivalent to_______?
16 / 50
As the fluid flow rate increases, the float of the Rotameter______?
17 / 50
Catalyst used in the catalytic converter employed in automobiles to convert CO into CO2 and for complete oxidation of un-burnt hydrocarbons is_____?
18 / 50
Bad odour in sanitary latrines is reduced by periodically sprinkling_______?
19 / 50
Boiling point of water gets lowered at high altitudes (e.g., hills), because _____?
20 / 50
Capacity & power requirement for an air compressor working at high altitude compared to sea-level will be________?
21 / 50
An abrupt and sudden fall in the reading of barometer is an indication of the______?
22 / 50
Carbide tipped cutting tools are manufactured by powder metallurgy techniques and have a composition of_______?
23 / 50
Basic open hearth furnace (BOF) is not used for producing _______ steel?
24 / 50
Boiler tube size is specified by its thickness and _______ diameter ?
25 / 50
An approximately ______ process exemplifies the flow of a gas through a very long pipe of uniform cross-section ?
26 / 50
Cast iron contains ______ percent carbon?
27 / 50
An alloy of Fe ? 0.4 % C is___________?
28 / 50
Breakeven point represents the condition, when the company runs under no profit no loss condition. In break even analysis, total cost comprises of fixed cost_________?
29 / 50
As per the Indian boiler regulation (IBR), the type of joint preferred for the circumferential joint is the ______ joint ?
30 / 50
At absolute zero temperature, for any reaction involving condensed phases ?
31 / 50
Cemented carbide tools are not suitable for cutting_____?
32 / 50
Case hardening is not done by_________?
33 / 50
Carbon supply in pack carburising process is in the form of _____?
34 / 50
At 100% relative humidity, the dew point temperature of moist air is__________?
35 / 50
Carbon is present in the form of _________ in grey cast iron ?
36 / 50
Brittleness induced due to the presence of sulphur in steel can be reduced by adding_______?
37 / 50
An example of unsteady non uniform flow is the flow of liquid under pressure through a___________?
38 / 50
Cassiterite is an ore of__________?
39 / 50
Cascade control is_____?
40 / 50
Auto collimator is used to check______?
41 / 50
Case hardening of a material is___________?
42 / 50
As per international norms, the maximum permissible value of noise level in the industrial environment is ______ decibels as measured at a distance of 1.5 meters from the source of noise?
43 / 50
Brittleness induced due to the presence of sulphur in steel can be reduced by adding______?
44 / 50
An oxidation process is accompanied with decrease in the______?
45 / 50
Austempering process results in the formation of _________ structure ?
46 / 50
Cementite is in the lamellar form in the _______ phase of steel ?
47 / 50
Blow off cock is provided in steam boiler to ______?
48 / 50
Atomic ________ is a whole number for an element?
49 / 50
Carnot cycle is also termed as the constant __________ cycle in thermodynamics?
50 / 50
Brazing is the joining of metals_______?
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