Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 6
1 / 50
Hydro-cyclone is a______?
2 / 50
In practice, the compression ratio of compression-ignition (CI) engine ranges from ________?
3 / 50
In condensers used in thermal power plants, steam is normally used in shell side and cooling water on the tube side, because of the reason that ?
4 / 50
In the diving apparatus, helium is used along with oxygen, because it is ______?
5 / 50
If Reynolds number is greater than 1, then the_______?
6 / 50
High endurance limit of carburised machine parts is because of the fact that carburisation ___________?
7 / 50
In chemical dehumidification of air_____?
8 / 50
In the Bayer?s process, bauxite is digested under pressure using _____?
9 / 50
Heating the Hypo-eutectoid steels to 30?C above the upper critical temperature line, soaking at that temperature and then cooling slowly to the room temperature to form a pearlite & ferrite structure is called_________?
10 / 50
In electrical resistance welding, distortion results from the use of improper_________?
11 / 50
If the head is doubled in & centrifugal pump, the power required will increase in the ratio of___________?
12 / 50
In case of water (Prandtl number ? 6) flowing over a flat plate heated over the entire length, the thermal boundary layer thickness as compared to hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness is ?
13 / 50
In a furnace with heating element temperature at 1700?C, the dominant mechanism of heat transfer will be___________?
14 / 50
In extrusion of metals, which of the following statement is true ?
15 / 50
High relative humidity decreases the evaporative process and as the temperature is increased, the relative humidity decreases. The comfort range for human body is the ambient temperature of 22 to 27?C with relative humidity ranging from ________ percent ?
16 / 50
In a boundary layer developed along the flow, the pressure decreases in the downstream direction. The boundary layer thickness in this case will ________?
17 / 50
In ?Imperial Smelting Process? for extraction of zinc, zinc vapour thus produced is quenched in the external condenser by the use of the following _________?
18 / 50
If the demand for an item is trebled and the order cost is reduced to one third, then the economic order quantity__________?
19 / 50
Highest cutting speed is achieved by the ________ tool material ?
20 / 50
High speed steel tools retain their hardness upto a temperature of ___________ ?C?
21 / 50
If a solid is compressed adiabatically in its elastic range, its ______ remains constant ?
22 / 50
Identify the correct statement with reference to the extractive metallurgy of aluminium ?
23 / 50
Hot extrusion of aluminium is done in the temperature range of _________ ?C ?
24 / 50
In Newton?s law of viscosity, which states that the shear stress is proportional to the ______ Co-efficient of viscosity is called dynamic or absolute viscosity(where, V = velocity, Vg = velocity gradient) ?
25 / 50
In _________ process, there is an increase in entropy with no degradation of energy ?
26 / 50
In the blast furnace, incorporation of water vapour in the blast gives the following effect ?
27 / 50
Heating of ferromagnetic materials to a temperature above Curie temperature makes it __________?
28 / 50
Hollow shafts can be made as strong as solid shafts by making the twisting moments of both the shafts same. Shafts made by ______ have residual stresses ?
29 / 50
Hydrogen in liquid steels is dissolved__________?
30 / 50
If a nuclear reactor produces more fissile nuclear fuel than it consumes, then it is called a ______ reactor?
31 / 50
In case of a, centrifugal pump, the ratio h1/h2 is termed as the ______ efficiency (where, h1 = actual measured head & h2 = head imparted to the fluid by impeller)?
32 / 50
Heat transfer by _______ is almost absent in case of fluidised bed drying operation?
33 / 50
In case of brasses, with decreasing zinc percentage and increasing copper percentage, its ______ increases ?
34 / 50
In case of condensers & evaporators operating under given terminal conditions, LMTD (logarithmic mean temperature difference) for counter flow as compared to that for parallel flow is___________?
35 / 50
In connection with corrosion of metals, passivation is the process that___________?
36 / 50
In inventory control theory, the economic order quantity (EOQ) is the______?
37 / 50
Identify the false statement?
38 / 50
In a drilling process, the metal is removed by both shearing & extrusion. General purpose drills are made of__________?
39 / 50
In a neutral solution___________?
40 / 50
In a totally irreversible isothermal expansion process for an ideal gas, ?E = 0, ?H = 0. Then ?Q and ?S will be________?
41 / 50
In the acid Bessemer process, the hot metal should have the following composition ?
42 / 50
In multipass welds, shot peening is done after each pass to___________?
43 / 50
Hot dipping process is used for coating a low melting point metal (e.g. Pb, Sn, Zn) on iron, steel & copper having relatively higher melting points. Which of the following is not a hot dipping process ?
44 / 50
Heat transfer to the water wall in a high pressure water wall type boiler furnace is mainly by__________?
45 / 50
In case of simple harmonic motion, displacement is proportional to the__________?
46 / 50
In a good rimming steel___________?
47 / 50
In a forced draft cooling tower, water is cooled from 95 to 80?F by exposure to air with a wet bulb temperature of 70?F. In this case, the_________?
48 / 50
Hot working of lead is carried out at _____?
49 / 50
Hot & cold working of material causes its ________ deformation?
50 / 50
Hooke?s law_________?
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