Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 8
1 / 50
Oxide layer formed on the non-ferrous metal surface after its annealing is___________?
2 / 50
Nickel is a __________ material?
3 / 50
One ton of refrigeration is not equivalent to the heat removal rate of ______?
4 / 50
Out of the following, maximum temperature drop for a given heat flow & for the same thickness will be in the case of_________?
5 / 50
Oxygen cylinders used for autogenous (cutting/welding) purposes are _____?
6 / 50
Nickel and _______ are the alloying element added in steel to increase its toughness?
7 / 50
Out of the following, the joint produced by _______ has the lowest strength?
8 / 50
Non-ferrous alloys used for making cutting tools need not have high___________?
9 / 50
On decreasing the grain size of a polycrystalline material, the property most likely to deteriorate is___________?
10 / 50
Out of the following substances, one ton of _______ will store the maximum heat for a rise of 30?C in temperature ?
11 / 50
Out of the following, the lowest packing of atoms exists in ______ crystal lattice structure?
12 / 50
On being hit with a hammer, _____ will readily fracture?
13 / 50
Out of the following, which will fracture most readity, when hit with a hard hammer ?
14 / 50
Optical activity is a/an _________ property ?
15 / 50
Name the safety device used to protect the boiler, when the water level falls below a minimum level ?
16 / 50
Out of the following the refractive index is the highest for______?
17 / 50
Normalising of a casting does not___________?
18 / 50
Most of the phosphorous present in the blast furnace burden enters into_____?
19 / 50
Pearlite comprises of___________?
20 / 50
One face of a furnace wall is at 1030?C and the other face is exposed to room temperature (30?C). If the thermal conductivity of furnace wall is 3 W. m-1. k-1 and the wall thickness is 0.3 m, the maximum heat loss (in W/m) is______?
21 / 50
Oxyacetylene reducing flame is used while carrying out welding on___________?
22 / 50
Natural water contains approximately _______ percent of heavy water?
23 / 50
Often earing defects are found during deep drawing operation, because the ___________?
24 / 50
Other parameters remaining same, the recrystallisation temperature of an alloy is lowered, when__________?
25 / 50
Otto cycle used in spark ignition petrol engines is also known as the constant _________ cycle?
26 / 50
Moist climate is the most favourable factor in the site selection far a__________?
27 / 50
Multistage compression of air as compared to single stage compression offers the advantage of_______?
28 / 50
Notched bar test is used for testing the __________ of a material?
29 / 50
More than 95% of ________ is present in corundum ?
30 / 50
Oxyacetylene reducing flame is used while carrying out welding on_____?
31 / 50
Parallel straight line pattern of temperature distribution for both hot and cold fluids is observed in case of heat exchanger of the type_________?
32 / 50
Milk is fat dispersed in water. It is an example of___________?
33 / 50
Normalising of an object does not__________?
34 / 50
Nusselt number/Biot number varies_____?
35 / 50
Nuclear fission of one atom of uranium-235 produces the energy equivalent to about _____ MeV?
36 / 50
One of the methods of purification of leach liquor is ion exchange, which involves__________?
37 / 50
On oscilloscope screen for dynamic measurement, lissajous diagram is normally used to determine the _______ of the input signal?
38 / 50
Nusselt number is related to the Reynolds number (Re) in turbulent & laminar flow respectively as________?
39 / 50
Mild steel has ________ crystal lattice structure?
40 / 50
Moist air is cooled along the line of constant _________ , when it is passed over a cold & dry cooling coil, such that no condensation occurs ?
41 / 50
Minimum safe distance between two liquid fuel storage tanks is equal to (where, H = height of the tank) ?
42 / 50
Minimum number of members required to form a Public Limited Joint Stock Com-pany is_____?
43 / 50
Particle nature of cathode rays is proved due to the fact that they _________?
44 / 50
Nitriding of a steel part does not increase its___________?
45 / 50
Out of the following ________ iron has the best capability to bear sudden & excessive shocks?
46 / 50
Most important property of steels for use in automobile bodies is the_____?
47 / 50
Out of the following, the _________ pipe has the least corrosion resistance?
48 / 50
Minimum temperature upto which water can be theoretically cooled down in the cooling tower by evaporative cooling is equal to the _______ temperature of air?
49 / 50
Nusselt number is related to Grashoff number (Gr) in turbulent & laminar flow respectively, in respect of free convection over a vertical flat plate as__________?
50 / 50
Out of the following, the most malleable material is_________?
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