Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 9


Chemical Engineering Basics Quiz 9

1 / 50

Presence of nickel & chromium in steel does not raise its __________?

2 / 50

Preheating before welding is done to______?

3 / 50

Recrystallisation temperature of steel is ________ ?C?

4 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

5 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

6 / 50

Pick out the correct statement about the condensation?

7 / 50

Property responsible for the talcum powder to cling to the skin is the___________?

8 / 50

Quartz is a _________ material ?

9 / 50

Percentage of differential pressure lost in a Venturimeter with a tapering of 15? may be about_____?

10 / 50

Powder metallurgy technique is used in the production of ______ tools ?

11 / 50

Powder metallurgy is used to produce___________?

12 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

13 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

14 / 50

Pick out the correct combination about the role of various additives used in polymers ?

15 / 50

Pick out the wrong conversion of absolute & kinematic viscosities ?

16 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

17 / 50

Potable water means the water used for______?

18 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

19 / 50

Production of a hollow product by inflation of a tube or parison is called the ________ process?

20 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

21 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

22 / 50

Projection welding & stud welding is categorised as the ________ welding?

23 / 50

Removal of non-condensable from steam or other vapour is termed as the _________ process?

24 / 50

Pick out the correct statement ?

25 / 50

Powder metallurgy process does not make metal powder by___________?

26 / 50

Pick out the correct statement?

27 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement about coating/electroplating of metals ?

28 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

29 / 50

Primary designation of steel is based on its___________?

30 / 50

Pressure required to increase the density of water by about 1% is ______ atmosphere?

31 / 50

Regeneration of molecular sieve requires it to be heated to a temperature of about ___________ ?C?

32 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

33 / 50

Plastics as a material of construction suffer from the drawback of low__________?

34 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement about the machinability of metals. Machinability of a metal ?

35 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement about nucleate boiling ?

36 / 50

Plants produce carbohydrates from the CO2 present in the atmosphere by__________?

37 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

38 / 50

Pipelines carrying various utilities in chemical industries are identified by their colour codes. The color of pipeline carrying steam is___________?

39 / 50

Percentage of argon (by volume) in dry atmospheric air is about_________?

40 / 50

Resilience of a bolt can be increased by increasing its ___________?

41 / 50

Principal alloying elements of cast tool alloys which have very high wear resistance & high temperature strength are ?

42 / 50

Photographic plates are coated with _______?

43 / 50

Production of one ton of paper in Indian paper industry consumes about _____ kWh of electricity ?

44 / 50

Plasma is_______?

45 / 50

Resistance of an electrical conductor is proportional to its (where, l = length and A = crosssectional area of the conductor)_________?

46 / 50

Reduction in the grain size reduces the __________ of the material?

47 / 50

Rain drops falling through atmospheric air attain limited terminal velocity, because of ______?

48 / 50

Rankine cycle comprises of two isothermal and two _____ processes?

49 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

50 / 50

Probability of cavitation occuring becomes very high, when the local ________ resulting ?

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