Chemical Environmental Engineering Quiz 5


Chemical Environmental Engineering Quiz 5

1 / 66

Which of the following fine dust removal equipments is the most efficient ?

2 / 66

What are the methods of treatment & disposal of radioactive wastes ?

3 / 66

Which of the following is the most detrimental for water used in high pressure boiler ?

4 / 66

Which is the most efficient dust removal equipment for removal of submicronic dust particles from blast furnace gas ?

5 / 66

There are five concentric layers within the atmosphere which is differentiated on the basis of temperature. The atmospheric layer which lies close to the earth?s surface in which human being along with other organisms live is called troposphere. The rate at which air temperature in the troposphere gradually decreases with height is about ______ ?C/km?

6 / 66

Water filtration rate in a rapid sand filter ranges from _______ kilolitres/m2/hr?

7 / 66

Waste/polluted water discharged from electroplating, blast furnace and coal mining industries contain mainly ______ substances?

8 / 66

World environment day is observed every year on the 5th of_____?

9 / 66

The weakest sound that can be heard by a person in a quiet environment is equivalent to _____ decibel ?

10 / 66

Threshold limit value (TLV) of CO in air is ______ ppm?

11 / 66

Which of the following is the most efficient for removal of very finely divided suspended solids and colloidal matter from the polluted water stream ?

12 / 66

Which of the following is not a natural source of air pollution ?

13 / 66

Which of the following is an adsorbent used for the removal of SO2 from gas/air ?

14 / 66

Which of the following dust collection equipments is the least efficient (for sub-micronic particles) ?

15 / 66

TLV of mercury in potable (drinking) water is about _______ ppm?

16 / 66

Which of the following is not a source of ozone emission in the atmosphere?

17 / 66

TLV of lead for public sewer/waste water is about _______ ppm?

18 / 66

Tri-sodium phosphate is used in boiler water treatment to reduce______?

19 / 66

Which of the following sources is responsible for maximum air pollution ?

20 / 66

Which is the most widely used coagulant for the treatment of turbid water ?

21 / 66

Which of the following is not a practical method of low level radioactive waste disposal ?

22 / 66

Which is the best and the most effective method for the removal of organic contaminant present in the polluted water in very small quantity (say < 200 mg/litre) ?

23 / 66

Which of the following is an adsorbent for removal of nitrogen oxides from gas/air ?

24 / 66

Tolerable limit of nitrogen oxides in air is ______ ppm?

25 / 66

Which of the following is the common pollutant emitted from metallurgical smelters, thermal power plant and cement plants ?

26 / 66

Which of the following is not a secondary air pollutant ?

27 / 66

Threshold limit value (TLV) i.e., the maximum permissible safe limit of phosgene gas which Hitler used to use to kill his enemies in ?gas chamber? is about _______ ppm?

28 / 66

The resistance of water to the passage of light through it is a measure of the_____?

29 / 66

Very small amount of air pollutants are present in stratosphere also; though most of the atmospheric pollutants are present in the troposphere. Which of the following atmospheric pollutants does not cause the ozone layer depletion in atmosphere at tremendous rate ?

30 / 66

World?s worst radioactive pollution was caused by nuclear reactor disaster which occured in _____?

31 / 66

The pH value of oxidised sewage is about_______?

32 / 66

Which of the following acts as a natural source of air pollution ?

33 / 66

Thermal pollution due to excessive heat & temperature in the working place causes___________?

34 / 66

TLV of aldrin in public water supply system is about _____ ?g/litre?

35 / 66

TLV of ammonia, nitrogen dioxide and phenol vapor in air is _______ ppm ?

36 / 66

Which of the following is the most lethal water pollutant ?

37 / 66

The term Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is used in relation to ________?

38 / 66

TLV of NO2 & NO exposure for the human being is 5 & 25 ppm respectively. Prolonged exposure of human being to NO2 causes__________?

39 / 66

Workers working in ________ industry are most prone to white lung cancer?

40 / 66

Which of the following plants does not emit appreciable amount of SO2 in atmosphere ?

41 / 66

The type of bacteria which is active in trickling filter during biological treatment of sewage is the ______ bacteria?

42 / 66

Thermal pollution of water increases its toxicity and oxidation of oxygen demanding waste besides favouring bacterial growth. A rise in water temperature by 10?C, doubles the toxic effects of ______ present in it?

43 / 66

Which of the following causes death by asphyxiation, if its presence in atmospheric air exceeds maximum allowable concentration (i.e. > 50 ppm) ?

44 / 66

The pH value of potable water should be between______?

45 / 66

Which of the following air pollutants is not toxic to vegetation i.e., doesn?t cause vegetation damage ?

46 / 66

Which of the following radioactive wastes emits all ?, ? & ? rays and hence is the most hazardous of all radioactive emitters ?

47 / 66

Which of the following pollutants, if present in atmosphere is detectable by its odour ?

48 / 66

Which of the following is the most severe air pollutant ?

49 / 66

TLV of ozone (O3) and phosgene (COCl2) in air is ________ ppm?

50 / 66

Which of the following is the most widely used disinfectant in water treatment ?

51 / 66

Which of the following is the most active zone of atmosphere in which weathering events like rain, storm & lightning occur ?

52 / 66

Which of the following processes is involved in the biochemical treatment of sewage effluents ?

53 / 66

The progressive warming up of the earth?s surface is mainly due to the_____?

54 / 66

The ratio of oxygen available to the oxygen required for stabilisation of sewage is called the ___________?

55 / 66

The upper layer of atmosphere is called the ______?

56 / 66

Which of the following is a secondary air pollutant ?

57 / 66

Which of the following is a green house gas other than CO2 ?

58 / 66

Which of the following is the most major constituents of air pollutants ?

59 / 66

Turbidity of water is an indication of the presence of___________?

60 / 66

There are thirteen metals which are treated as pollutants. Which of the following metals is not a pollutant ?

61 / 66

Threshold limit value (TLV) means maximum permissible/acceptable concentration. TLV of phosgene in air is about _______ ppm (parts per million)?

62 / 66

Which of the following is not a weightless pollutant ?

63 / 66

Which of the following pollutants is absent in the emissions from a fertiliser plant ?

64 / 66

Water filtration rate in a slow sand filter ranges from _____ litres/m2/hr?

65 / 66

Which of the following is a manmade source of air pollution ?

66 / 66

Which of the following industries discharge mercury as a pollutant ?

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