Chemical Heat Transfer Quiz 6


Chemical Heat Transfer Quiz 6

1 / 50

Overall heat transfer co-efficient of a particular tube is U1. If the same tube with some dirt deposited on either side has coefficient U2, then__________?

2 / 50

Multiple effect evaporation accounts for_____?

3 / 50

Natural convection is characterised by___________?

4 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

5 / 50

Mode of heat transfer involved in the cooling of air cooled internal combustion engine is__________?

6 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

7 / 50

Nusselt number is a function of Prandtl number and _______ number of fluid in natural convection heat transfer?

8 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

9 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

10 / 50

Nusselt number (for forced convection heat transfer) is a function of the ______ number?

11 / 50

Peclet number (Pe) is given by______?

12 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

13 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

14 / 50

Prandtl number is given by___________?

15 / 50

Pick out the correct statement ?

16 / 50

Mode of heat transfer in which the fluid moves under the influence of changes in fluid pressure produced by external work is called________?

17 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

18 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

19 / 50

Out of 100 kcal/second of incident radiant energy on the surface of a thermally transparent body, 300 kcal/second is reflected back. If the transmissivity of the body is 0.25, the emissivity of the surface will be__________?

20 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

21 / 50

Prandtl number is the ratio of_________?

22 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement/

23 / 50

Minimum recommended baffle spacing in a shell and tube heat exchanger is about (where, D = shell diameter)?

24 / 50

Pick out the correct statement ?

25 / 50

Prandtl number for most of dry gases is about_________?

26 / 50

Prandtl and Reynold?s analogies are identical for Prandtl number value of___________?

27 / 50

Prandtl number is the ratio of_________?

28 / 50

Multipass heat exchangers are used________?

29 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

30 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

31 / 50

Prandtl and Reynolds analogy are same, when Prandtl number is______?

32 / 50

Pick out the correct equation ?

33 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

34 / 50

Overall thermal resistance for conductive heat transfer through a series of flat resistances is equal to the______?

35 / 50

Mechanical recompression evaporation is used in the production of______?

36 / 50

Prandtl number is the reciprocal of______?

37 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

38 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

39 / 50

Nusselt number is the ratio of the temperature gradient at the wall to__________?

40 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

41 / 50

Multiple effect evaporation is generally recommended, when the________?

42 / 50

Overall heat transfer co-efficient for cooling of hydrocarbons by water is about__________?

43 / 50

Planck?s distribution law is valid for ______ bodies?

44 / 50

Multiple effect evaporators ar used to_____?

45 / 50

Out of the following four assumptions used in the derivation of the equation for LMTD [LMTD = (?t1 ? ?t2)/ln(?t1/?t2)], which one is subject to the largest deviation in practice ?

46 / 50

Nusselt number is the ratio of the ______?

47 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

48 / 50

Nucleate boiling is promoted _____?

49 / 50

Open pan evaporators are preferred to be used, when the solution to be concentrated is__________?

50 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh