Chemical Heat Transfer Quiz 7


Chemical Heat Transfer Quiz 7

1 / 50

Stefan-Boltzmann law applies to ______ body?

2 / 50

The advantage of backward feed multiple effect evaporators over forward feed units is that_____?

3 / 50

Steady state one dimensional heat flow by conduction as given by Fourier?s low does not assume that________?

4 / 50

The advantage of using a 1 ? 2 shell and tube heat exchanger over a 1 ? 1 shell and tube heat exchanger is__________?

5 / 50

The film co-efficient between condensing vapour and metal wall increases with _______?

6 / 50

The characteristic dimensionless groups for heat transfer to a fluid flowing through a pipe in laminar flow are________?

7 / 50

The equivalent diameter for pressure drop is _________ that for heat transfer?

8 / 50

The equivalent diameter for the annulus of a double pipe heat exchanger, whose inner pipe has fins on the outside is _______ compared to the same size pipes without fins?

9 / 50

The absorptivity of a grey body at a given temperature ______ with increasing wavelength of radiation?

10 / 50

The equation, (NSt ? N2/3 Pr) = f/2, is the _____ analogy ?

11 / 50

Radiant energy received by a body is proportional to (where, d = the distance between the object emitting radiation and that receiving it.) ?

12 / 50

Stefan?s block body radiation law can also be derived from _______ law?

13 / 50

The critical radius of insulation for cylindrical pipe is (where, hi = heat transfer coefficient at inside of the pipe) ?

14 / 50

The energy radiated from a surface Q at absolute temperature T is related as___________?

15 / 50

The critical radius ?r? of insulation on a pipe is given by______?

16 / 50

Solid angle subtended by the finite surface at the radiating element is__________?

17 / 50

The equation, Nst = f/2, is the ______ analogy?

18 / 50

Small scale evaporation is done in a__________?

19 / 50

Presence of a non-condensing gas in a condensing vapour_____?

20 / 50

Steam side heat transfer co-efficient in an evaporator is in the range of _______ kcal/hr.m2?C?

21 / 50

Radiator of an automobile engine is a _______ type of heat exchanger?

22 / 50

Radiation energy is emitted by all the substances, which are above______?

23 / 50

Reynold?s analogy states that (where, St = Stanton number f = friction factor) ?

24 / 50

Shell side pressure drop in a shell and tube heat exchanger does not depend upon the__________?

25 / 50

Removal of _______ heat is involved in the condensation of a vapor under saturated conditions?

26 / 50

The actual temperature drop across the heating surface in an evaporator depends on the__________?

27 / 50

The driving potential for the crystal growth during crystallisation is the ________ of the solution?

28 / 50

Reynold?s analogy states that__________?

29 / 50

Steam is routed through the tube in case of a _______ evaporator?

30 / 50

Stefan-Boltzmann law which describes the radiation heat transfer states that, it is proportional to (where, t = temperature in ?C T = absolute temperature in ? K) ?

31 / 50

Steam condensate is recovered by steam traps and recycled for use as boiler feed water, because of its low_____?

32 / 50

The Dittus-Boelter equation for convective heat transfer [(i.e. h = 0.023 (K/D) (Re)0.8 (Pr)0.4] cannot be used for_________?

33 / 50

The film thickness for laminar film condensation on vertical surface ______ from top to bottom?

34 / 50

Sensible heat absorbed by 1 lb of water when it is heated from 32 to 212?F may be around _______ BTU?

35 / 50

Steam economy in case of a triple effect evaporator will be __________?

36 / 50

The equation, Nst = (f/2)/[1 + 5 (Npr ? 1) ?(f/2)], corresponds to _______ analogy?

37 / 50

The dimensionless group in mass transfer that is equivalent to Prandtl number in heat transfer is__________?

38 / 50

Steam consumption in kg/hr in case of an evaporator is given by (where, C & E are capacity the economy of the evaporator respectively) ?

39 / 50

The capacity of double-effect evaporator is less than half of the capacity of two single effects, each of which is operating over same terminal temperature difference, when the_________ ?

40 / 50

Reason for operating an evaporator in multiple effects is to secure _____?

41 / 50

Steam is to be condensed in a shell and tube heat exchanger, 5 m long with a shell diameter of 1 m. Cooling water is to be used for removing the heat. Heat transfer co-efficient for the cooling water, whether on shell side or tube side is the same. The best arrangement is______?

42 / 50

The critical radius of insulation for a spherical shell is (where, K = thermal conductivity of insulating material h0 = heat transfer coefficient at the outer surface) ?

43 / 50

The film co-efficient is decreased due to the presence of non-condensing gases in the vapors. The film co-efficient of superheated vapor as compared to that of saturated vapor is_____?

44 / 50

Terminal point temperature differences between fluids in case of a heat exchanger is termed as___________?

45 / 50

Steam trap is used to__________?

46 / 50

Radiation heat losses from satisfactorily insulated high pressure boiler may be about ______ percent?

47 / 50

Rate of heat transfer by vaporisation from pools of water is affected by the ______?

48 / 50

Resistance to heat flow by conduction is proportional to (where, t & ? are thickness & density of the material respectively and A = area normal to the direction of heat flow.) ?

49 / 50

Steam traps are provided in steam carrying pipelines to__________?

50 / 50

The actual temperature drop across the heating surface of an evaporator depends on the________?

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