Chemical Process Quiz 10


Chemical Process Quiz 10

1 / 50

Sudden temperature fluctuation does not affect pyrex glass, because of its ___________?

2 / 50

The compressive strength of cement should not be less than about 110Kg/cm2 after three days & not less than 170Kg/cm2 after seven days. The fineness of an ordinary cement as determined by turbidimetric method should be about _________ cm2/gm?

3 / 50

The ideal pulp for the manufacture of paper should have high ______ content?

4 / 50

The biochemical treatment applied to sewage effluents is a process of___________?

5 / 50

The function of gypsum addition during cement making is to__________?

6 / 50

The most commonly used substance to speed up the sedimentation of sewage is_____?

7 / 50

The drug used in contraceptives is______?

8 / 50

Synthetic glycerine is produced from_____?

9 / 50

The metallic aluminium is obtained from pure alumina in the presence of fused cryolite by__________?

10 / 50

The catalyst used in the production of elemental sulphur from H2S (by oxidation-reduction) is _______?

11 / 50

The main use of activated carbon in water treatment is to control _____?

12 / 50

Teflon is_____?

13 / 50

Sulphuric acid saturated with SO3 is called__________?

14 / 50

The main product of high temperature carbonisation of coal is_______?

15 / 50

The basic constituent of vegetable oils is _____?

16 / 50

The amount of benzene present in pure Benzol is about ________ percent ?

17 / 50

Temporary hardness of water can be removed by___________?

18 / 50

Tall oil obtained as a by-product from the black liquor recovery is_________?

19 / 50

The major use of butadiene is______?

20 / 50

The chamber process is________?

21 / 50

The combustion reaction, C + O2 = CO2, is___________?

22 / 50

Synthesis gas is a mixture of___________?

23 / 50

The enzyme which converts starch into the disaccharides maltose is__________?

24 / 50

Sulphuric acid is mainly used in the ________ industry ?

25 / 50

Styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) as compared to natural rubber has_________?

26 / 50

Superior quality laboratory apparatus is made of the ______ glass having low thermal co-efficient of expansion & high chemical resistance?

27 / 50

The basic difference between vegetable oils and fats is in their _____?

28 / 50

Sulphur addition in soap is done to _______?

29 / 50

The main use of HCl is in the_____?

30 / 50

The end bleaching agent used to move last traces of colour bodies from the pulp is ______?

31 / 50

The main aim behind cooling the digested chip at the bottom portion of the digestor by injecting cold black liquor is to_____?

32 / 50

Sulphuric acid solution having a specific gravity of 1.20 at room temperature is used mainly for the________?

33 / 50

The gasification reaction represented by, C + H2O = CO + H2, is a/an __________ reaction?

34 / 50

Sucrose is a disaccharide consisting of______?

35 / 50

Sulphuric acid completely saturated with sulphur trioxide is called__________?

36 / 50

Sucrose is a___________?

37 / 50

Systemic insecticides_________?

38 / 50

Sulphur removal by heating of pyrite ore in presence of air is called its ______?

39 / 50

Sucrose content in the raw juice extracted from sugar cane is about __________ percent?

40 / 50

The manufacture of Kraft pulp is done by a/an __________ process?

41 / 50

The major constituents of glass are______?

42 / 50

Temperature during hydrogenation of oil should not be more than 200?C, otherwise it will result in________?

43 / 50

The main component of Pyrex glass is_______?

44 / 50

Terylene is___________?

45 / 50

The major constituent of black liquor generated during paper manufacture is sodium_____?

46 / 50

The most economical pulp for the production of newsprint would be the _______ pulp?

47 / 50

The difference between saponification value and acid value is______?

48 / 50

Sugar content in sugarcane on cane basis is about ________ percent by weight ?

49 / 50

The catalyst used in the manufacture of DDT (from chloral and chlorobenzene) is __________?

50 / 50

The catalyst used in shift converter is_____?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh