Chemical Process Quiz 11


Chemical Process Quiz 11

1 / 50

Transportation of 35% oleum during winter suffers from the problem of freezing, which can be overcome by the addition of small quantity of_______?

2 / 50

Varnish does not contain________?

3 / 50

The terminology ?BTX? used in coal tar distillation industry refers to_____?

4 / 50

The purpose of adding Na2CO3 to water of low alkalinity is to___________?

5 / 50

The product obtained on mixing calcium oxide with water is called ___________?

6 / 50

Very dilute solutions are generally used in fermentation reactions for which the optimum temperature range is _____ ?C?

7 / 50

Type of glass used in optical work is the _____ glass?

8 / 50

Vulcanisation of rubber______?

9 / 50

Unsaturated oils compared to saturated oils have_____?

10 / 50

Which is the most efficient absorbent for SO3 out of the following ?

11 / 50

The most stable allotropic form of phosphorous is the __________ phosphorous?

12 / 50

Vinyl chloride (CH2 = CH.Cl) is produced by the thermal pyrolysis of ethylene dichloride at a pressure & temperature of ___________?

13 / 50

Use of water having dissolved oxygen in boilers promotes_____?

14 / 50

Wet chlorine gas produced during electrolysis of brine is dehydrated by___________?

15 / 50

Which glass is usually used in optical work ?

16 / 50

Which catalyst is used in the manufacture of ethylene oxide by oxidation of ethylene ?

17 / 50

The yield of tar from high temperature carbonisation of dry coal is about ________ percent?

18 / 50

Viscose rayon is chemically_____?

19 / 50

Thermosetting materials ________?

20 / 50

Which allotrope of sulphur is insoluble in carbon disulphide ?

21 / 50

Varnish does not contain______?

22 / 50

Ultimate analysis of coal determines its _________ content?

23 / 50

Trinitrotoluene (TNT), an explosive, is made by the nitration of ______?

24 / 50

Wax is a_____?

25 / 50

The process involved in converting rubber into a thin sheet or coating it on fabric is called _____?

26 / 50

Very fine suspended and colloidal impurities are removed from water by a process called_____?

27 / 50

Trinitro-toluene (TNT) is __________ ?

28 / 50

Titanium dioxide is a/an _____ colour pigment?

29 / 50

Triple superphosphate is manufactured by reacting ______?

30 / 50

Thorium is mainly used ________?

31 / 50

Use of chlorine in the treatment of sewage__________?

32 / 50

The most reactive allotropic form of phosphorus is ___________ phosphorus?

33 / 50

Thermosetting plastic materials______?

34 / 50

Thermal pyrolysis of ethylene dichloride produces_____?

35 / 50

The temperature in the calcium carbide furnace is ________ ?C ?

36 / 50

The type of high refractive index glass used in optical instruments is ______ glass?

37 / 50

Transparent soaps (e.g. Pears) are______?

38 / 50

Which form of sulphur is the most stable at room temperature ?

39 / 50

The process used for the manufacture of ethyl alcohol from molasses is__________?

40 / 50

Vanillin is a type of______?

41 / 50

Viscose rayon is___________?

42 / 50

Vegetable oils contain large quantity of glycerides of unsaturated acids. When the vegetable oils contain high amount of saturated fatty acids, it is termed as ______ oil?

43 / 50

Washing soda is chemically represented by __________?

44 / 50

Thermoplastic materials_______?

45 / 50

Which is a high grade pulp ?

46 / 50

The most popular and common detergent i.e., alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) is a/an _______ detergent ?

47 / 50

Which is the main reducing agent during production of iron from iron ore in a blast furnace ?

48 / 50

What products do we get on electrolysis of saturated brine using steel cathode and graphite anode in an electrolytic cell ?

49 / 50

The purpose of tanning in leather industry is to______?

50 / 50

The most widely used coagulant for removing suspended impurities from water is___________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh