Chemical Process Quiz 8
1 / 50
Polythene is a/an _______ polymerisation product?
2 / 50
Potassium is kept & transported under _____ ?
3 / 50
Plasticisers are added to synthetic plastics to______?
4 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement?
5 / 50
Polymerisation product of C2F4 (carbon tetrafluoride) is called P.T.F.E (poly chloro tetra fluoro ethylene). It is also called_____?
6 / 50
Pick out the false statement pertaining to water treatment ?
7 / 50
Phosphoric acid is prepared from_______?
8 / 50
Plaster of Paris is ___________?
9 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement ?
10 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the properties of glasses. Glasses generally have_____?
11 / 50
Phthalic anhydride is used______?
12 / 50
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is known as ______?
13 / 50
14 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to nitric acid ?
15 / 50
Plasticisers are added to paints to________?
16 / 50
Pick out the exothermic reaction out of the following ?
17 / 50
Prussian blue is chemically represented by___________?
18 / 50
19 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement. Iodine value of an oil or fat is_________?
20 / 50
Pick out the endothermic reaction out of the following ?
21 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to solvent extraction of oil. Rate of extraction___________?
22 / 50
Platinum is a versatile catalyst for many processes in chemical industries. It is highly prone to be poisoned by the presence of__________?
23 / 50
24 / 50
25 / 50
26 / 50
Process conditions in fermentator used for production of penicillin is______?
27 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the soap manufacture?
28 / 50
Presence of carbonaceous matter in the sewage______?
29 / 50
30 / 50
Production of alcohol by fermentation of molasses is a/an ______ process?
31 / 50
32 / 50
Pick out the true statement pertaining to water treatment ?
33 / 50
Phthalic anhydride is made by the ________?
34 / 50
Poly Tetrafluoroethylene (P.T.F.E.) is known as_____?
35 / 50
Presence of H2S in raw water (to be chlorinated) results in the_______?
36 / 50
Polycaprolactam is commercially known as_____?
37 / 50
Production of one ton of cement requires about ________ tons of limestone ?
38 / 50
Presence of sodium tripolyphosphate (an additive) in synthetic detergent_____?
39 / 50
Platinum catalyst used in the earlier days of sulphuric acid manufacture by contact process suffers from the drawback like__________?
40 / 50
Producer gas consists mainly of__________?
41 / 50
Pig iron is produced by blast furnaces in India using mostly the iron ore named ________?
42 / 50
43 / 50
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is______?
44 / 50
45 / 50
Production of one ton of dry paper pulp requires about _____ tons of bamboo or wood?
46 / 50
Portland cement consists mainly of___________?
47 / 50
48 / 50
Pitch (a product of coal tar distillation) is always mixed with creosote oil, when it is to be burnt in a burner, because___________?
49 / 50
50 / 50
Phthalic anhydride is produced by the oxidation of __________?
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