Chemical Reaction Quiz 6
1 / 50
Rate of a chemical reaction is independent of the concentration of the reactants for a __________ reaction?
2 / 50
The conversion for a second order, irreversible reaction (constant volume) as shown in the bellow figure, in batch mode is given by_______?
3 / 50
Reaction rate of a first order reaction, which is half completed in 23 minutes will be __________?
4 / 50
Pick the WRONG design guideline for a reactor in which the reactions, A ? R (desired) and A ? S (undesired) are to take place. The ratio of the reaction rates is rR/rS = (k1/k2). CA a-b ?
5 / 50
The concentration of A in a first order reaction, A ? B, decreases_______?
6 / 50
The effectiveness factor for large value of Thiele modulus [L?(K/D1)] of a solid catalysed first order reaction is equal to (where, L = length of the reactor, cm, D1 = diffusion co-efficient, cm2/second) ?
7 / 50
The conversion of a reactant, undergoing a first order reaction, at a time equal to three times the half life of the reaction is ?
8 / 50
Space time in flow reactor is______?
9 / 50
Reaction of benzene with chlorine gas to produce tri-chlorobenzene exemplifies a/an _______ reaction?
10 / 50
The dispersion number of perfect mixed flow is___________?
11 / 50
Sometimes, batch process is preferred over continuous process, when the product_____?
12 / 50
The dimensions of rate constant for reaction 3A ? B are (l/gm mole)/min. Therefore the reaction order is________?
13 / 50
The conversion for a first order liquid phase reaction. A ? B in a CSTR is 50%. If another CSTR of the same volume is connected in series, then the % conversion at the exit of the second reactor will be_______?
14 / 50
Promoter is added to the catalyst to improve its______?
15 / 50
Rate constant ?k? and absolute temperature ?T? are related by collision theory (for bimolecular) as________?
16 / 50
Sulphuric acid is used as a catalyst in the________?
17 / 50
Rate of a chemical reaction is not affected by the______?
18 / 50
The catalytic activity of enzymes is due to their capacity to lower the _______ energy?
19 / 50
Semibatch reactor is preferred, when a/an___________?
20 / 50
Recycling back of outlet stream to the reactor from an ideal CSTR carrying out a first order liquid phase reaction will result in _______ in conversion?
21 / 50
Radioactive decay follows _______ order kinetics?
22 / 50
Space time equals the mean residence time___________?
23 / 50
Reactions with high activation energy are_______?
24 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement?
25 / 50
Rate of a gaseous phase reaction is given by the reaction shown in the bellow figure. The unit of rate constant is___________?
26 / 50
Signal normally used to study non-ideal flow by stimulus response technique is ________ input?
27 / 50
The catalytic converter for conversion of SO2 to SO3 by contact process should have a feed with SO2 content between_____?
28 / 50
29 / 50
The ?E? curve for a non-ideal reactor defines the fraction of fluid having age between t and t + dt _______?
30 / 50
Rate determining step in a reaction consisting of a number of steps in series is the _______ step?
31 / 50
32 / 50
The catalyst in a second order reversible reaction increases the rate of the forward reaction_____?
33 / 50
34 / 50
Sum of the powers of the concentration terms in the rate equation is called the ______ of the reaction?
35 / 50
Reverse reaction in a chemical equilibrium is favoured by the_________?
36 / 50
Specific rate constant for a second order reaction___________?
37 / 50
Shift conversion reaction__________?
38 / 50
39 / 50
Second order consecutive irreversible reaction as shown in the bellow figure, were carried out in a constant volume isothermal batch reactor with different initial feed compositions. Reactor temperature was same in all the cases. In experiments where the ratio of concentration of B to that of A in the initial feed was less than 0.5, the concentration of B increased first, reached a maximum and then declined with time. However, for all experiments where this concentration ratio was 0.5 or above, concentration of B decreased monotonically with time right from the beginning. What is the ratio of the two rate constants (k1/k2) ?
40 / 50
The eddy diffusivity for a liquid in plug flow must be__________?
41 / 50
42 / 50
Pure ethanol vapor is fed to a reactor packed with alumina catalyst, at the rate of 100 kmole / hr. The reactor products comprise: ethylene: 95 kmole / hr, water vapour: 97.5 k mole / hr and diethyl ether: 2.5 kmole/hr. The reactions occuring can be represented by: C2H5OH ? C2H4 + H2O 2C2H5OH ? C2H5 ? O ? C2H5 + H2O The percent conversion of ethanol in the reactor is_________?
43 / 50
Slurry reactors are characterised by the__________?
44 / 50
Rate constant for a first order reaction does not depend upon reaction time, extent of reaction and the initial concentration of reactants; but it is a function of reaction temperature. In a chemical reaction, the time required to reduce the concentration of reactant from 100 gm moles/litre to 50 gm moles/litre is same as that required to reduce it from 2 gm moles/litre to 1 gm mole/litre in the same volume. Then the order of this reaction is ?
45 / 50
The conversion in a mixed reactor/accomplishing a reaction A ? 3R is 50% when gaseous reactant ?A? is introduced at the rate of 1 litre/second and the leaving flow rate is 2 litres/second. The holding time for this operation is ________ second?
46 / 50
47 / 50
The catalyst in a first order chemical reaction changes the__________?
48 / 50
Rate of an autocatalytic chemical reaction is a function of _____?
49 / 50
Rate of a chemical reaction is not influenced by the___________?
50 / 50
Space velocity______?
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