Chemical Reaction Quiz 7


Chemical Reaction Quiz 7

1 / 50

The rate constant of a chemical reaction decreases by decreasing the______?

2 / 50

The rate constant of a reaction is a function of the _____?

3 / 50

The first order gas phase reaction as shown in the bellow figure is conducted isothermally in batch mode. The rate of change of conversion with time is given by_________?

4 / 50

The rate of a chemical reaction is almost doubled for every 10?C rise in temperature. The rate will increase _______ times, if the temperature rises from 10 to 100?C?

5 / 50

The order of the chemical reaction as shown in the bellow figure, whose rate equation is given as -rA = KCA__________? 2. CB is

6 / 50

The preferred reacting system for oxidation of o-xylene to phthalic anhydride is _______?

7 / 50

The rate expression for a heterogeneous catalytic reaction is given by, ? rA = K.KA PA(1 + KA.PA + KR.PR), where K is surface reaction rate constant and KA and KR are absorption equilibrium constants of A and R respectively. If KR PR >> (1 + KA PA), the apparent activation energy EA is equal to (given E is the activation energy for the reaction and ?HR and ?HA are the activation energies of adsorption of R and A) ?

8 / 50

The extent of a reaction is _____?

9 / 50

The energy of activation of a chemical reaction ?

10 / 50

The ratio of moles of a reactant converted into the desired product to that converted into unwanted product is called__________?

11 / 50

The irreversible reaction, X ? Y, is the special case of the reversible reaction, X ? Y, in which the _______?

12 / 50

The following half life data are available for the irreversible liquid phase reaction A ? products. The overall order of reaction is ___________?

13 / 50

The exit age distribution of fluid leaving a vessel is used to know the___________?

14 / 50

The equilibrium constant ?K? of a chemical reaction depends on__________?

15 / 50

The importance of diffusion in a catalyst are increased by ______?

16 / 50

The rate of a homogeneous reaction is a function of___________?

17 / 50

The equilibrium constant for the reversible reaction as shown in the bellow figure, is affected by the___________?

18 / 50

The performance of a cascade of CSTR?s can be improved by adding___________?

19 / 50

The rate of the chemical reaction A ? B doubles as the concentration of A i.e.., CA is doubled. If rate of reaction is proportional to CA n, then what is the value of n for this reaction ?

20 / 50

The rate of the reaction, X ? Y, quadruples when the concentration of ?X? is doubled. The rate expression for the reaction is, r = K Cx n, the value of ?n? in this case will be_________?

21 / 50

The gas phase reaction 2A ? B is carried out in an isothermal plug flow reactor. The feed consists of 80 mole % A and 20 mole % inerts. If the conversion of A at the reactor exit is 50%, then CA/CA0 at the outlet of the reactor is _________?

22 / 50

The energy balance equation over a tubular reactor under transient conditions is_________?

23 / 50

The first order series reaction as shown in the bellow figure is conducted in a batch reactor. The initial concentrations of A, B and C (CA0, CB0, CC0 respectively) are all non-zero. The variation of CB with reaction time will not show a maximum, if_____?

24 / 50

The rate constant of a reaction depends on the ___________?

25 / 50

The rate constant of a chemical reaction increases by increasing the________?

26 / 50

The knowledge of initial concentration and rate constant is necessary to determine the half life time of a reaction of ________ order?

27 / 50

The molecularity and the order of reaction respectively, for the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in presence of acids are________?

28 / 50

The rate of reaction does not decrease appreciably as the reaction proceeds in case of _______ reactions?

29 / 50

The experimentally determined overall order of the reaction, A + B ? C + D, is two. Then the___________?

30 / 50

The heat of reaction___________?

31 / 50

The optimum performance for reactors operating in parallel is obtained when the feed stream is distributed in such a way, that the__________?

32 / 50

The excess energy of reactants in a chemical reaction required to dissociate into products is termed as the ________ energy?

33 / 50

The exit age distribution curve E(t) for an ideal CSTR with the average residence time, ?, is given by___________?

34 / 50

The rate at which a chemical substance reacts is proportional to its _______?

35 / 50

The minimum energy required to allow a chemical reaction to proceed is termed as the ?threshold energy ?. Chemical reactions with low activation energy are _________?

36 / 50

The irreversible reaction is a special case of reversible reaction, if the_________?

37 / 50

The rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the _________?

38 / 50

The exit age distribution of a fluid leaving a vessel (denoted by E) is used to study the extent of non-ideal flow in the vessel. The value of ?? 0 E.dt is______?

39 / 50

The rate of forward reaction, at chemical equilibrium is _______ the rate of backward reaction?

40 / 50

The rate constant of a chemical reaction increases by 100 times when the temperature is increased from 400 ?K to 500 ?K. Assuming transition state theory is valid, the value of ?E/R? is ___________?

41 / 50

The order of a chemical reaction is___________?

42 / 50

The increase in the rate of reaction with temperature is due to___________?

43 / 50

The rate at which a chemical substance reacts is proportional to its______?

44 / 50

The following gas phase reaction is taking place in a plug flow reactor. A stoichiometric mixture of A and B at 300 K is fed to the reactor. At 1 m along the length of the reactor, the temperature is 360 K. The pressure drop is negligible and an ideal gas behaviour can be assumed. Identify the correct expression relating the concentration of A at the inlet (CA0), concentration of A at 1m (CA) and the corresponding conversion of A (X) ?

45 / 50

The enzyme which can catalyse the conversion of glucose to ethyl alcohol is _____?

46 / 50

The fractional volume change of the system for the isothermal gas phase reaction, A ? 3B, between no conversion and complete conversion is_____?

47 / 50

The half life period ?t? of a zero order reaction as shown in the bellow figure, is equal to__________?

48 / 50

The half life period of a first order reaction is given by (where, K = rate constant) ?

49 / 50

The rate of reaction of a/an _______ reaction is not affected by temperature rise ?

50 / 50

The fractional volume change between no conversion and complete conversion, for the isothermal gas phase reaction, 2A ? R, is_____?

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