Chemistry Quiz 6


Chemistry Quiz 6

1 / 50

Actinides are the elements with atomic number from:

2 / 50

Reading of a Barometer going down is an indication of:___________?

3 / 50

A elements are named as alkali metals because_______________?

4 / 50

Alkyl halides undergo a type of reaction_________________?

5 / 50

Electricity in voltaic cell is produced due to_________________?

6 / 50

Butyl chloride gives possible isomers ?

7 / 50

Which one of the following is termed as benzul alcohol ?

8 / 50

In cyano group the carbon atom shows which kind of hybridization___________________?

9 / 50

Across short period the melting and boiling point increase upto __________________?

10 / 50

In the van der Waals equation (P + n2a / v2) (v ? nb) = nRT which of the following statement is not true ?

11 / 50

Who made volume and pressure correction to explain deviation of gases from ideal behaviour ?

12 / 50

Which of the following processes is used for the synthesis of cement ?

13 / 50

Oxygen and sulphur resemble in all except________________?

14 / 50

Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is___________________?

15 / 50

In which of the following type of reactions energy of reactant is greater than energy of product________________?

16 / 50

Which of the solid does not contain covalent bond__________________?

17 / 50

The chemical formula of sodium hypochlorite is________________?

18 / 50

Unit of dipole moment is_________________?

19 / 50

The environment in which a system is studied is __________________?

20 / 50

Which one shows high %age of the ionic character ?

21 / 50

An element having low value of ionization energy and low value of electron affinity is likely to belong to__________________?

22 / 50

Stainless steel contains___________?

23 / 50

Which of these gases diffuse more quickly than oxygen ?

24 / 50

Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is_______________?

25 / 50

When the atoms of third layer are arranged in such a way that they directly lie above the atoms of first layer then this arrangement is called_________________?

26 / 50

The property which increases upto group IV-A then decreases on wards_______________?

27 / 50

Which of the following reaction is not shown by ketones ?

28 / 50

When a compound of transition element is dissolved in a solution of salt then it produces____________________?

29 / 50

Gypsum is applied to the soil as a source of________________?

30 / 50

The organic acid that can be made from ethanol is_________________?

31 / 50

Centrifugal forces are balanced in atom by__________________?

32 / 50

A solution has pH = 0 its H+ ion concentration is__________________?

33 / 50

The PH of the 0.0032 M H2SO4 is__________?

34 / 50

When one hydrogen atom of alkane is removed then it is called________________?

35 / 50

Keeping in view the size of atom which is in correct order___________________?

36 / 50

SO2 reacts with Cl in sunlight to form__________?

37 / 50

Branch of chemistry that deals with the complete qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance is___________________?

38 / 50

Which one of the following sets consists of all coinage metals ?

39 / 50

Pressure remain constant, at which temperature the volume of gas becomes twice of what it is at 0?C?

40 / 50

Which of the following reactions may be assoclated with aldehyde and ketone ?

41 / 50

Which has the minimum freezing point ?

42 / 50

Which of the following fertilizers is not useful for paddy rice ?

43 / 50

Unit of Kc is_______________?

44 / 50

Any substance which accepts H+ is base favours the concept___________________?

45 / 50

Force responsible to hold atoms together in a compound is called ________________?

46 / 50

Benzene is a good solvent for__________________?

47 / 50

The bond angle between hybrid orbitals in methane CH3 is___________?

48 / 50

The IUPAC name of pyridines is__________?

49 / 50

Calculate % of N in KNO3__________?

50 / 50

Process used to separate insoluble particles from liquids is ___________ ?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh