Chemistry Quiz 7
1 / 50
The mechanism by which the genetic information can be duplicated is called_________________?
2 / 50
Which one of following amino acid is neither acidic nor a basic in nature ?
3 / 50
Which of the following substances does not give iodoform test ?
4 / 50
Reaction which proceeds in both directions is called_______________?
5 / 50
First ionization potential of alkaline earth metal is greater than alkali metals because___________________?
6 / 50
Which of the following is a macro nutrient ?
7 / 50
Amino acids present in cheese___________________?
8 / 50
The PH of Tears is __________?
9 / 50
Chemical used in salt bridge is________________?
10 / 50
Why does Ethyl Alcohol show high boiling point then Acetone?
11 / 50
Concentration of solute molecule when they are in equilibrium with solid substance at particular temperature is called________________?
12 / 50
Octane number 2 2 4-trimethyl pentane is________________?
13 / 50
Which of the following do not give aldol condensation reactions ?
14 / 50
The central atom along with ligands is called____________________?
15 / 50
The main buffer system of the human blood is____________?
16 / 50
Which of the following technique is used for the separation of insoluble particles from liquids ?
17 / 50
Sodium benzoate and benzoic acid are mixed in equimolar ration to form buffer if pKa is 2 what will be the pH ?
18 / 50
Bond will beionic when E.N difference of bonded atom is ____________________?
19 / 50
Inner transition elements are called _________________?
20 / 50
Which acid is the manufacture of synthetic rubber ?
21 / 50
Ionization energy depends upon____________________?
22 / 50
Atom with higher atomic number produces X-rays of__________________?
23 / 50
Direct conversion of solids into vapours is called ___________________?
24 / 50
The correct electronic configuration of Cr is____________________?
25 / 50
Which of the following can be separated by ? Sublimation Method??
26 / 50
The absolute value of charge on electron was determined by ________ ?
27 / 50
The degree of dissociation of week electrolyte increases as________________?
28 / 50
Elimination bimolecular reactions involve____________________________?
29 / 50
Empirical formula of chloroform is____________________?
30 / 50
10ml of alcohol dissolve in 90ml of water unit of concentration used is________________?
31 / 50
Which of the following effects best explains that o-nitrophenol is insoluble in water?
32 / 50
The potassium present in plant help the plant to___________________?
33 / 50
Colour in transition metal compounds is attributed to____________?
34 / 50
Which compound shows hydrogen bonding ?
35 / 50
Ammonia may be prepared by heating ammonium chloride with_______________?
36 / 50
Identification of the components of a sample is_________________?
37 / 50
Which of the following methods is used to estimate hydrogen in an organic compound ?
38 / 50
Which of the elements show passivity when treated with conc. HNO3?
39 / 50
Radiations are harmful as it:___________?
40 / 50
Density of H2SO4 in lead accumulator is__________________?
41 / 50
Which of the following does not give Borax bead test ?
42 / 50
Which one is not the use of silicones________________________?
43 / 50
Which of the following will not give addition reaction with NaHSO3________________?
44 / 50
Which of the following ion formation is always exothermic ?
45 / 50
Every sample of matter with uniform properties and fixed composition is called_________________?
46 / 50
In K2Cr2O7 the oxidation number of chromium is____________________?
47 / 50
Water molecule is________?
48 / 50
Which specie has unpaired electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals_______________?
49 / 50
Ethanal is prepared industrially by air oxidation of ethylene using palladium chloride as catalyst and _________ as promoter?
50 / 50
Which one of the following is caustic potash?
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