Civil Engineering Quiz 13
1 / 50
The forces acting normally on the cross section of a bar shown in the given figure introduce______?
2 / 50
As applied to capitalized asset, the distribution of the initial cost by a periodic changes to operation as in depreciation or the reduction of a debt by either periodic or irregular prearranged programs is called __________?
3 / 50
Design period of 40 to 50 years is adopted for________?
4 / 50
The depletion allowance method of computing depletion is commonly known as __________?
5 / 50
A steel bar 20 mm in diameter simply-supported at its ends over a total span of 40 cm carries a load at its centre. If the maximum stress induced in the bar is limited to N/mm2, the bending strain energy stored in the bar, is__________?
6 / 50
If the thickness of plate to be connected by a rivet is 16 mm, then suitable size of rivet as per Unwin?s formula will be_________?
7 / 50
In the plate loading test for determining the bearing capacity of soil, the size of square bearing plate should be________?
8 / 50
The rate of BOD exerted at any time is_____________?
9 / 50
The maximum bending moment due to a train of wheel loads on a simply supported girder________?
10 / 50
The slenderness ratio of lacing bars should not exceed_______?
11 / 50
The minimum width of clearway is______?
12 / 50
In which of the following pairs both trees yield soft wood ?
13 / 50
Post tensioning system______?
14 / 50
Latest start of an activity is always_______?
15 / 50
A P 1,000,000 issue of 3%, 15-year bond was sold at 95%. What is the rate of interest of this investment ?
16 / 50
Dried sewage after treatment is used as___________?
17 / 50
Which one of the following statements is correct ?
18 / 50
For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct sequence of operations after spreading coarse aggregates is_______?
19 / 50
The center of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced by an immersed body is called_______?
20 / 50
Nitrogen cycle of sewage, is___________?
21 / 50
A mathematical expression also known as the present value of annuity of one is called ___________?
22 / 50
If the loaded length of span in meters of a railway steel bridge carrying a single track is 6 m, then impact factor is taken as________?
23 / 50
While estimating the qualities for the construction of a building, the correct metric unit is_______?
24 / 50
Higher pitch of the roof (1) results in stronger roof (2) results in weaker roof (3) requires more covering material (4) requires less covering material The correct answer is___________?
25 / 50
If the ratio of long and short spans of a two way slab with corners held down is r, the actual reduction of B.M. is given by
26 / 50
One Joule is equivalent to_______?
27 / 50
Which of the following is the example of lever of first order_______?
28 / 50
The condition of equilibrium for any system of forces in a plane is___________?
29 / 50
The self cleansing velocity for all sewers in India is usually________?
30 / 50
Which one of the following is a component of a shield for tunnelling ?
31 / 50
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following ______?
32 / 50
Maximum distance between expansion joints in structures as per IS : 456 ? 1978 is_______?
33 / 50
A stone is thrown up a slope of inclination 60? to the horizontal. At what angle to the slope must the stone be thrown so as to land as far as possible from the point of projection ?
34 / 50
The equivalent length of a column of length L having one end fixed and the other end free, is_____?
35 / 50
If the depth of partial flow in a sewer of diameter 2 m, is 50 cm, its wetted perimeter is___________ ?
36 / 50
Theodolite is an instrument used for________?
37 / 50
The weight of a body is due to___________?
38 / 50
The fluid forces considered in the Navier Stokes equation are_________?
39 / 50
For pipes, laminar flow occurs when Roynolds number is_________?
40 / 50
A rolled steel joist is simply supported at its ends and carries a uniformly distributed load which causes a maximum deflection of 10 mm and slope at the ends of 0.002 radian. The length of the joist will be_______?
41 / 50
Staggered joints are generally provided_________?
42 / 50
The shear strength of a soil________?
43 / 50
Select the incorrect statement?
44 / 50
A sample of metal weighs 219 gms in air, 180 gms in water, 120 gms in an unknown fluid. Then which is correct statement about density of metal_______?
45 / 50
Pick up the correct statement from the following?
46 / 50
Antisyphonage pipe is fitted______?
47 / 50
To minimise the effect of differential settlement, the area of a footing should be designed for_____?
48 / 50
Which of the following statements is correct ?
49 / 50
The use of coarse screens for the disposal of sewage, may be dispensed with by_____?
50 / 50
A loan of P5,000 is made for a period of 15 months, at a simple interest rate of 15%, what future amount is due at the end of the loan period ?
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