Civil Engineering Quiz 24
1 / 50
The stone suitable for rubble masonry should be____________?
2 / 50
The minimum size of stone that will remain at rest in a channel of longitudinal slope S and hydraulic mean depth R is given by_____?
3 / 50
If E, N, K and 1/m are modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity. Bulk modulus and Poisson ratio of the material, the following relationship holds good______?
4 / 50
Metal sleepers are superior to wooden sleepers with respect to_______?
5 / 50
When a body slides down an inclined surface, the acceleration of the body is given by_________?
6 / 50
The prismatic compass and surveyor?s compass_______?
7 / 50
On the ladder resting on the ground and leaning against a smooth vertical wall, the force of friction will be_________?
8 / 50
Two coplanar couples having equal and op-posite moments________?
9 / 50
The ratio of plastic section modulus to elastic section modulus_________?
10 / 50
Sludge banks are formed if sewage is disposed of in___________ ?
11 / 50
Assertion A : Paints with white lead base are not recommended for painting of iron works. Reason R : Paints with white lead base do not check rusting of iron. Select your answer according to the coding system given below ?
12 / 50
A hyetograph is a graphical representation of__________?
13 / 50
In distribution pipes, drain valves are provided at______?
14 / 50
What type of bond is issued jointly by two or more corporations ?
15 / 50
Pick up the correct statement from the following?
16 / 50
A material is said to be perfectly elastic if_________?
17 / 50
What will be the curve lead for a 1 in 8.5 turnout taking off from a straight broad gauge track?
18 / 50
As per PEC Code of Conduct a member shall report unethical professional practices of an engineer or a member with substantiating data to____________?
19 / 50
The maximum discharge of a tube-well is about________?
20 / 50
With the same cross-sectional area and immersed in same turbulent flow, the largest total drag will be on_________?
21 / 50
If a beam fails in bond, then its bond strength can be increased most economi-cally by___________?
22 / 50
Which of the following methods is best suited for determination of permeability of coarse-grained soils ?
23 / 50
Salvage value is sometimes known as ____________?
24 / 50
The coefficient of friction depends on________?
25 / 50
The bearing capacity of a water logged soil can be improved by_____________?
26 / 50
The method of analysis of distribution system in which the domestic supply is neglected and fire demand is considered is_______?
27 / 50
A contractor has two options : Invest his money in project A or (II) : Invest his money in project If he decides to invest in A, for every rupee invested, he is assured of doubling his money in ten years. If he decides to invest in B, he is assured of making his money 1.5 times in 5 years. If the contractor values his money at 10% interest rate, he_____?
28 / 50
If the intensity of rainfall is more than the infiltration capacity of soil, then the infiltration rate will be_____?
29 / 50
S: 1 and length is_____?
30 / 50
If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by_____?
31 / 50
A river bend characterized by silting______?
32 / 50
Calm period is the percentage of time during which wind intensity is less than_____?
33 / 50
The correction for sag is________?
34 / 50
The correct sequence of drilling equipment for increasing size of holes in tunnels is_______?
35 / 50
The main cause of meandering is_______?
36 / 50
The binder normally used in flexible pavement construction is_______?
37 / 50
The most suitable method for drainage of fine grained cohesive soils is_______?
38 / 50
If the average daily consumption of a city is 100,000 m3, the maximum daily con?sumption on peak hourly demand will be______?
39 / 50
Which of the following structures protects the shore by trapping of littoral drift?
40 / 50
The pressure in Pascals at a depth of 1 m below the free surface of a body of water will be equal to_______?
41 / 50
The rate of an item of work depends on________?
42 / 50
Effect of a force on a body depends upon_______?
43 / 50
The coagulant which is generally not used for treating the sewage, is_________?
44 / 50
Spalling hammer is used for_____________?
45 / 50
By the condition of a will, the sum of P20,000 is left to a girl to be held in trust fund by her guardian until it amounts to P50,000. When will the girl receive the money if fund invested at 8% compounded quarterly ?
46 / 50
If the ratio of center to center spacing of intersecting walls to actual thickness of intersecting wall is more than 20, then the stiffening coefficient for wall proper will be________?
47 / 50
The sewer which received discharge from two or more main sewers, is known as______?
48 / 50
High carbon content in the steel causes______?
49 / 50
A treadle bar is used for____________?
50 / 50
The price at which the callable bond will be redeemed from the bondholder is called ___________?
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