Civil Engineering Quiz 26


Civil Engineering Quiz 26

1 / 50

The yield moment of a cross section is defined as the moment that will just produce the yield stress in________?

2 / 50

The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is______?

3 / 50

The velocity of jet of water travelling out of opening in a tank filled with water is proportional to__________?

4 / 50

The sewage is pumped up______?

5 / 50

The means of access for inspection and cleaning of sewer line is known as______?

6 / 50

Which one of the following geometric errors of satellite sensors is random ?

7 / 50

In what method of computing depreciation where it assumes that a sinking fund is established in which funds will accumulate for replacement purposes ?

8 / 50

For the COD test of sewage, organic matter is oxidised by K2Cr2O7 in the presence of_______?

9 / 50

Which of the following structures are constructed parallel to shore line to develop a demarcating line between land area and water area ?

10 / 50

As per IS : 456, the reinforcement in a column should not be less than_______?

11 / 50

What bond whose security is a mortgage on certain specified assets of the corporation ?

12 / 50

The stone ware sewers________?

13 / 50

The value of friction factor ?f? for smooth pipes for Reynolds number 106 is approximately equal to_______?

14 / 50

Inter-distance between ventilation columns in a sewer line is kept_________?

15 / 50

Dry water flow in a combined sewer, is_____________?

16 / 50

A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10 cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is_________?

17 / 50

A circular column section is generally not used in actual practice because_______?

18 / 50

Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a force method ?

19 / 50

First Benchmark Publishing?s gross margin is 50% of sales. The operating costs of the publishing are estimated at 15% of sales. If the company is within the 40% tax bracket, determine the percent of sales is their profit after taxes ?

20 / 50

Due to change in price level, a revised estimate is prepared if the sanctioned estimate exceeds________?

21 / 50

The background colour of the informatory sign board is_____?

22 / 50

If the velocity is zero over half of the cross-sectional area and is uniform over the remaining half, then the momentum correction factor is______?

23 / 50

A pycnometer is used to determine______?

24 / 50

If the given forces P,, P2, P3 and P4 are such that the force polygon does not close, then the system will__________?

25 / 50

For developing thinly populated areas, the correct choice of gauge is________?

26 / 50

Air entrainment in the concrete increases_______?

27 / 50

If the ratio of the span to the overall depth does not exceed 10, the stiffness of the beam will ordinarily be satisfactory in case of a_________?

28 / 50

For a compression member with double angle section, which of the following section will give larger value of minimum radius of gyration?

29 / 50

As per IRC recommendations, the average level of illumination on important roads carrying fast traffic is_____?

30 / 50

Free body diagram is an___________?

31 / 50

The effort required to lift a load W on a screw jack with helix angle a and angle of friction

32 / 50

Crushing strength of a good building stone should be more than____________?

33 / 50

The declining balance method is also known as ___________?

34 / 50

The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the centroid of the __________?

35 / 50

The type of spike used for fixing chairs of bull headed rails to wooden sleepers is________?

36 / 50

The attainment of super elevation by rotation of pavement about the inner edge of the pavement______?

37 / 50

Which of the following chemical compounds can be used for dechlorination of water ?

38 / 50

The temperature affects the_______?

39 / 50

Pick up the correct statement from the following ?

40 / 50

The water carriage system of collection of waste product_______?

41 / 50

When two forces, each equal to P, act at 90? to each other, then the resultant will be_____________?

42 / 50

Which of the following represents a metamorphic rock? (1) slate (2) shale (3) quartzite . The correct answer is___________?

43 / 50

section modulus of a square section of side B and that of a circular section of The ratio of the diameter D, is__________?

44 / 50

Center of percussion is_____?

45 / 50

A 600 mm square bearing plate settles by 15 mm in plate load test on a cohesionless soil under an intensity of loading of 0.2 N/ram2. The settlement of a prototype shallow footing 1 m square under the same intensity of loading is______?

46 / 50

A one dimensional flow is one which__________?

47 / 50

For a grit chamber, if the recommended velocity of flow is 0.2 m/sec and detention period is 2 minutes, the length of the tank, is_________?

48 / 50

The area of the cross-section of a road fully in banking shown in the given figure, is_______?

49 / 50

The ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction is known as______?

50 / 50

Minimum thickness of load bearing RCC wall should be_____________?

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