Civil Engineering Quiz 35


Civil Engineering Quiz 35

1 / 50

Spatial variation in horizontal and vertical directions is caused due to________?

2 / 50

According to Whitney?s theory, ultimate strain of concrete is assumed to be_____________?

3 / 50

A fluid in equilibrium can?t sustain________?

4 / 50

The percentage compensation in gradient for ruling gradient of 4% and horizontal curve of radius 760 m is___________?

5 / 50

Which of the following unit works in anaerobic conditions ?

6 / 50

The measurement is not made in square metres in case of_______?

7 / 50

The pressure at the summit of a syphon is______?

8 / 50

Which is true about corporation ?

9 / 50

Working principle of dead weight pressure gauge tester is based on _________?

10 / 50

Referring of given figure, pick up the correct statement from the following?

11 / 50

One Newton is equivalent to_______?

12 / 50

Centre line markings are used_____________?

13 / 50

A drop manhole is provided if_________?

14 / 50

The order of booking dimensions is_______?

15 / 50

Return on investment ratio is the ratio of the_____________?

16 / 50

For designing the dock, the proportion of ship load assumed to be borne by keel blocks is_______?

17 / 50

What refers to the present worth of the probable future net earnings ?

18 / 50

A hoop of radius 3 m weighs 100 kg. It rolls along a horizontal floor so that at its centre of mass has a speed of 200 mm/sec, . The work required to stop the hoop is_____?

19 / 50

The correct relation between curve lead (CL), switch lead (SL) and lead of cros?sing (L) is given by_________?

20 / 50

A heavy ladder resting on floor and against a vertical wall may not be in equilibrium, if_____?

21 / 50

Assertion A : Normally turpentine oil is recommended as thinner for indoor painting. Reason R : Turpentine oil is costlier than other thinners. Select your answer according to the coding system given below ?

22 / 50

A valve is suddenly closed in a water main in wl.ich the velocity is 1 m/sec and velocity of pressure wave is 981 m/ sec. The inertia head at the valve will be_______?

23 / 50

The diameter of a domestic sewer pipe laid at gradient 1 in 100 is recommended__________?

24 / 50

When a load crosses a through type Pratt truss in the direction left to right, the nature of force in any diagonal member in the left half of the span would______?

25 / 50

Effective stress is_____?

26 / 50

An asset is purchased for P 9,000.00. Its estimated economic life is 10 years after which it will be sold for P 1,000.00. Find the depreciation in the first three years using sum-of-years digit method___________?

27 / 50

After pre-stressing process is completed, a loss of stress is due to_____?

28 / 50

At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the section by________?

29 / 50

If the shearing stress is zero on two planes, then the angle between the two planes is_______?

30 / 50

If the depletion of oxygen is found to be 5 ppm after incubating a 2.5% solution of sewage sample for 5 days at 21?C, B.O.D of the sewage is____________?

31 / 50

The ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass is called_____?

32 / 50

The resultant upward pressure of the fluid on an immersed body is called_________?

33 / 50

Reynolds number is significant in___________?

34 / 50

In hydrometer analysis for a soil mass_____?

35 / 50

Coefficient of discharge for a totally submerged orifice as compared to that for an orifice discharging free is_________?

36 / 50

What is defined as any tangible economic activity that contributes directly or indirectly to the satisfaction of human want ?

37 / 50

Which of the following is not the unit of power ?

38 / 50

The point of contraflexure is the point where______?

39 / 50

The diameter of transverse reinforcement of columns should be equal to one-fourth of the diameter of the main steel rods but not less than_______?

40 / 50

For a proportional outlet, the flexibility is_____?

41 / 50

Pick up the correct statement from the following?

42 / 50

The minimum diameter of sewer to be adopted is________?

43 / 50

The kor depth for rice is 190 mm and kor period is 14 days. The outlet factor for this will be________?

44 / 50

The rate of payment is made for 100 cu m (per % cu m) in case of_________?

45 / 50

The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed______?

46 / 50

Pick up the true statement from the following?

47 / 50

The suitable method for disinfection of swimming pool water is_______?

48 / 50

What market situation exists where there is only one buyer and only one seller ?

49 / 50

sensor IFOV is proportional to________?

50 / 50

If the risk of a flood occurring in the next 10 years is accepted to 10%, then the return period for design should be_________?

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