Civil Engineering Quiz 45
1 / 50
If the scheduled completion time of a project is more than the earliest expected time for completion of the project, then the probability of completion of the project within the scheduled completion time will be_________?
2 / 50
In SI units, the units of force and energy are respectively__________?
3 / 50
The gas evolved in sewers is_______?
4 / 50
Pick up the correct statement from the following?
5 / 50
Newton?s law of viscosity is a relationship between_______?
6 / 50
Batching refers to_______?
7 / 50
A pipe conveying sewage from plumbing system of a single building to common sewer or point of immediate disposal is called_______?
8 / 50
The horse power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when the ratio of loss of head due to friction and total head supplied is_______?
9 / 50
Choose the wrong statement__________?
10 / 50
Slack time refers to______?
11 / 50
If the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%, then the voids ratio of the sample is_______?
12 / 50
13 / 50
When surface of transpiration is submerged under water, then potential evapotranspiration is_______?
14 / 50
Desire lines are plotted in________?
15 / 50
For similarity, in addition to models being geometrically similar to prototype, the following in both cases should also be equal_________?
16 / 50
A circular disc rotates at n rpm. The angular velocity of a circular ring of same mass and radius as the disc and to have the same angular momentum is__________?
17 / 50
Coulomb friction is the friction between________?
18 / 50
The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are_________?
19 / 50
20 / 50
The liquid wastes from kitchens, bath rooms and wash basins, is not called_______?
21 / 50
Which of the following methods of analysis of water distribution system is most suitable for long and narrow pipe system ?
22 / 50
Rate of flow of sewage is generally assumed_________?
23 / 50
The most suitable chemical which can be applied to the water surface for reducing evaporation is_______?
24 / 50
Which of the following statements regarding ballast materials are correct ?
25 / 50
Viscosity of water in comparison to mercury is _____________?
26 / 50
The ratio of the thickness of web to that of flange of steel rolled structural beams and channels is_____?
27 / 50
If Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD of a town is 20000 kg/day and BOD per capita per day is 0.05 kg, then population equivalent of town is________?
28 / 50
A manufacturer produces certain items at a labor cost of P 115 each, material cost of P 76 each and variable cost of P 2.32 each. If the item has a unit price of P 600, how many units must be manufactured each month for the manufacturer to break even if the monthly overhead is P428,000 ________?
29 / 50
Select the correct statement?
30 / 50
A metal with specific gravity of o floating in a fluid of same specific gravity a will__________?
31 / 50
Pick up the correct statement from the following ?
32 / 50
The pressure acting on the stones in stone masonry construction should be_____________?
33 / 50
Long and short spans of a two way slab are l and l and load on the slab acting on strips parallel to lx and ly be wx and wy respectively. Accordingy to xRankine Grashoff theory__________?
34 / 50
For a non-concurrent force system to be in equilibrium_________?
35 / 50
Fresh sewage is generally____________?
36 / 50
If the maximum spring rise is 2 m and height of the waves expected is 4 m , then the breakwater height above the datum will be________?
37 / 50
The slope of the obstruction clearance line from the boundary of the heliport should be_______?
38 / 50
Granite is not suitable for ordinary building purpose because______?
39 / 50
Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at_____?
40 / 50
The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is_______?
41 / 50
Cement concrete sewers are only suitable if non-scouring velocity is between________?
42 / 50
Miss Evilla borrowed money from a bank. She receives from the bank P1,340.00 and promised to pay P1,500.00 at the end of 9 months. Determine the corresponding discount rate or often referred to as the ?banker?s discount??
43 / 50
All the proceeds which are received by the business as a result of the sale of goods is called ________?
44 / 50
The fire demand of a city may be worked out by ________?
45 / 50
The maximum deflection due to a load W at the free end of a cantilever of length L and having flexural rigidity EI, is_____________?
46 / 50
The probability of completion of any activity within its expected time is________?
47 / 50
What stock represents ownership and enjoys certain preferences than ordinary stock ?
48 / 50
An excavator costs Rs. 20,00,000/- and has an estimated life of 8 years. It has no salvage value at the end of 8 years. The book value of the excavator at the end of 3 years using general double declining balance method is_________?
49 / 50
A bond without any security behind them except a promise to pay by the issuing corporation is called _________?
50 / 50
The maximum total settlement for isolated foundations on clayey soils should be limited to_____?
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