Civil Engineering Quiz 54


Civil Engineering Quiz 54

1 / 50

The specific gravity of sewage is______?

2 / 50

What is the opposite of perfect competition ?

3 / 50

Shear strength of a soil is a unique function of_________?

4 / 50

Imhoff cone is used to measure_______?

5 / 50

A stone is thrown vertically upwards with a vertical velocity of 49 m/sec It returns to the ground in_______?

6 / 50

Aside from many sellers and many buyers, which one is a characteristic of perfect competition ?

7 / 50

Which of the following will give higher ratio of brickwork strength to mortar strength ?

8 / 50

If depth of slab is 10 cm, width of web 30 cm, depth of web 50 cm, centre to centre distance of beams 3 m, effective span of beams 6 m, the effective flange width of the beam, is_______?

9 / 50

The suitable method of forecasting popu?lation for a young and rapidly increasing city is________?

10 / 50

Average rate of water consumption perhead per day as per Indian Standard is_____?

11 / 50

If the diameter of the main reinforcement in a slab is 16 mm, the concrete cover to main bars is_____________?

12 / 50

The asbestos cement pipes are generally laid__________?

13 / 50

Stopping sight distance is always______?

14 / 50

In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293? 30? can be expressed as_____?

15 / 50

To maintain aerobic biological activity, the moisture content of the compost mass should be about________?

16 / 50

For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column, the minimum cover shall neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than______?

17 / 50

To generate the j the column of the flexibility matrix_______?

18 / 50

Which of the following methods of plane table surveying is used to locate the position of an inaccessible point ?

19 / 50

The type of joint commonly used at the junction of a principal rafter and tie beam in timber trussess is_________?

20 / 50

The water content of soil, which represents the boundary between plastic state and liquid state, is known as________?

21 / 50

In sewers the velocity of flow should not be________?

22 / 50

The excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sq.m in plan area with a depth not exceeding 30 cm, is termed as______?

23 / 50

The suitable layout of a distribution system for irregularly growing town is______?

24 / 50

In sewers the gas generally found, is________?

25 / 50

For the construction of buildings, the subheads of the estimate are_______?

26 / 50

A rectangular block 2 m long, 1 m wide and 1 m deep floats in water, the depth of immersion being 0.5 m. If water weighs 10 kN/m3, then the weight of the block is_______?

27 / 50

The bending stress in a wall or column subjected to effective vertical load need not be considered, if the eccentricity ratio is________?

28 / 50

Ratio of inertia force to surface Jension is known as _______________?

29 / 50

The width of a rectangular sewer is twice its depth while discharging 1.5 m/sec The width of the sewer is_____?

30 / 50

What is the effective rate corresponding to 18% compounded daily? Take 1 year is equal to 360 days_____?

31 / 50

The design of a retaining wall assumes that the retained earth_______?

32 / 50

If there is only one seller and many buyers, the market situation is _____________?

33 / 50

Pick up the correct statement from the following?

34 / 50

If the size of a column is reduced above the floor, the main bars of the columns, are_____________?

35 / 50

Pick up the assumption for the design of a pre-stressed concrete member from the following______?

36 / 50

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following ?

37 / 50

The section of a reinforced beam where most distant concrete fibre in compression and tension in steel attains permissible stresses simultaneously, is called________?

38 / 50

The vertical distance between the springing line and highest point of the innercurve of an arch is known as_____?

39 / 50

The underground sewers are more subjected to_______?

40 / 50

The grit chambers of sewage treatment plants, are generally cleaned after_________?

41 / 50

The total length of a runway is 1000 m. The elevation at distance 0,200 m, 400 m, 600 m, 800 m and 1000 m are 100.0 m, 99.2 m, 101.0 m, 101.8 m, 101.4 m and 101.0 m respectively. The effective gradient of runway will be_____?

42 / 50

For permissible shear stress fs, the torque transmitted by a thin tube of mean diameter D and wall thickness t, is_______?

43 / 50

Ribs are used for strengthening and stiffening the liner plate for tunnels of diameter greater than____________?

44 / 50

Disposal to sewage in large cities, is done in_________?

45 / 50

The magnitude of two forces, which when acting at right angle produce resultant force of VlOkg and when acting at 60? produce resultant of Vl3 kg. These forces are___________?

46 / 50

What do you call any particular raw material or primary product such as cloth, wool, flour, coffee, etc ?

47 / 50

In actual machines_____?

48 / 50

The shape factor of standard rolled beam section varies from______?

49 / 50

A quantity whose dimensions are M2L2 T3 could be the product of________?

50 / 50

In approach areas of runways equipped with instrumental landing facilities any object within 4.5 km distance from runway end shall be considered as an obstruction if its height is more than_____?

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