Class Hierarchies, Library & Containers Quiz 3
1 / 50
Which of the following syntax is used to convert any variable to its original type?
2 / 50
Which header file is required to use pair container in your program?
3 / 50
1. What is the difference between get() and at()?
4 / 50
How the list differs from vectors?
5 / 50
What is the syntax of declaraing a forward_list?
6 / 50
What are the vectors?
7 / 50
Which header file is required to use get() function?
8 / 50
Which of the following Operator cannot be used with pairs?
9 / 50
What is the use of fill() function in array class?
10 / 50
Which function is used to check whether the vector is empty or not?
11 / 50
Which of the following header file is needed to use vectors in your program?
12 / 50
What is the use of empty() function in array classes?
13 / 50
Which function is used to swap two vectors?
14 / 50
Which type of list a Forward_list sequence container implements?
15 / 50
1. Which of the following is correct way of copying the values of pair p1 into other pair p2?
16 / 50
What is the use of swap() function in array class?
17 / 50
Which type of list a List sequence container implements?
18 / 50
What is the use of type() function in any container?
19 / 50
Which of the following function is used to get the actual number of elements stored in vector?
20 / 50
What is the correct syntax of declaring an array class?
21 / 50
Pick the incorrect statement.
22 / 50
Which is the following is syntactically correct for vector v?
23 / 50
Which of the following is the correct syntax of using pair p?
24 / 50
What is the difference between begin() and rbegin()?
25 / 50
Which function is used to get the total capacity of a vector?
26 / 50
Which of the following is the correct syntax of accessing the second element of a pair p?
27 / 50
Pick the correct statement.
28 / 50
How many list sequence containers are provided by STL?
29 / 50
Which header file is required to use any container?
30 / 50
What is the difference between begin() and cbegin() in vectors?
31 / 50
Which function is used to access the first element of an array class?
32 / 50
Which function is used to access the last element of an array class?
33 / 50
What is a pair?
34 / 50
In how many different ways any-container can be constructed?
35 / 50
Which of the following operations can be performed on a pair?
36 / 50
How the size of a vector increases once it is full?
37 / 50
Which operator is used to access the first or second element of a pair?
38 / 50
Which of the following(s) can be used to access the first element of a vector v?
39 / 50
What is the syntax of printing the first element of an array Arr using get() function?
40 / 50
Which of the following is the correct syntax of accessing the first element of a pair p?
41 / 50
What is any in C++?
42 / 50
Which of the following(s) can be used to access the last element of a vector v?
43 / 50
Which of the following(s) is/are the correct way of assigning values to a forward_list f?
44 / 50
Which of the following function is used to insert an element at the end of a vector?
45 / 50
What is the syntax of swap()?
46 / 50
Which exception is thrown if the typecasting is not done properly?
47 / 50
What is the use of emplace() function?
48 / 50
What happens if a pair is not initialized?
49 / 50
Which of the following header file is required for forwawrd_list?
50 / 50
Which of the following function(s) is/are used to get the size of the array class?
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