1 / 50
What is the correct syntax to declare an array of size 10 of int data type?
2 / 50
Pointer is a variable which store
3 / 50
When we are using const keyword with a variable x then initializing it at the time of declaration is,
4 / 50
The address operator (&) can be used with,
5 / 50
Syntax of union is identical to ______
6 / 50
UNIX has been developed in ________ language.
7 / 50
Member function tellg() returns the current location of the _____________ pointer.
8 / 50
How many bytes are occupied by declaring following array of characters? char str[] = “programming”;
9 / 50
Which looping process is best, when the number of iterations is known?
10 / 50
In C/C++ the string constant is enclosed
11 / 50
For which values of the integer _value will the following code becomes an infinite loop?
int number=1;
while (true) {
cout << number;
if (number == 3) break;
number += integer_value; }
any number other than 1 or 2
12 / 50
The size of a double variable is
13 / 50
Analysis is the -------------- step in designing a program
14 / 50
Which of the following header file defines the rand() function?
15 / 50
25.What will be the range of numbers generated by function rand () % 9?
16 / 50
The Compiler of C language is written in
17 / 50
In Program commenting the code liberally is
18 / 50
In if structure the block of statements is executed only,
19 / 50
The size of int data type is
20 / 50
We want to access array in random order which approach is better?
21 / 50
What does !(7) evaluate to in decimal where ! is a NOT operator?
22 / 50
What will be the result of arithmetic expression 6+27/3*3?
23 / 50
C is widely known as development language of _______ operating system.
24 / 50
What is the output of the following statement?
int i = 2.5; do { cout i * 2; } while (i > 3 && i < 10);
25 / 50
Carefully analyze the following lines of code and chose the correct option.
26 / 50
Paying attention to detail in designing a program is _________
27 / 50
C++ views each file as a sequential stream of________________ .
28 / 50
43.For which array, the size of the array should be one more than the number of elements in an array?
29 / 50
What does 5 | 6 , evaluate to in decimal where ‘|’ is bitwise OR operator?
30 / 50
When a call to function statement is encountered,
31 / 50
The function of cin is
32 / 50
Searching is easier when an array is already sorted
33 / 50
How many total elements must be in two-dimensional array of 3 rows and 2 columns?
34 / 50
Computer can understand only machine language code.
35 / 50
In order to get 256 from the number 2568 we divide this number by 10 and take,
36 / 50
Word processor is
37 / 50
How many bytes will the pointer INTPTR of type int move in the following statement? intPtr += 3 ;
38 / 50
&& is------------------ operator.
39 / 50
The variables having a name, type and size are just like empty boxes.
40 / 50
A continue statement causes execution to skip to
41 / 50
If there are 2(n+1) elements in an array then what would be the number of iterations required to search a number using binary search algorithm?
42 / 50
In flow chart, the symbol used for decision making is,
43 / 50
When we declare a multidimensional array the compiler store the elements of multidimensional array in the form of,
44 / 50
What will be the result of expression x%= 2, if x = 7?
45 / 50
Which of the following is the correct way to assign an integer value 5 to element of a matrix say ‘m’ at second row and third column?
46 / 50
Which of the following is the correct statement for the following declaration?
47 / 50
Which of the following is the starting index of an array in C++?
48 / 50
In C/C++ the #include is called,
49 / 50
Each pass through a loop is called a/an
50 / 50
What will be the correct syntax for initialization of pointer ptr with string "programming"?
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