CS304 Midterm Online Quiz



1 / 50

Which of the following is not an example of multiple inheritances?----------

2 / 50

The life of sub object is not dependant on the life of master class in ___________

3 / 50

Which of the following is the best approach if it is required to have more than one functions having exactly same functionality and implemented on different data types?

4 / 50

A template provides a convenient way to make a family of

5 / 50

If there is a pointer p to objects of a base class, and it contains the address of an object of a derived class, and both classes contain a nonvirtual member function, ding(), then the statement p->ding(); will cause the version of ding() in the _____ class to be executed

6 / 50

Which one of the following is not an object association?

7 / 50

The >= operator can be overloaded.

8 / 50

 Which one is not keyword in C++?

9 / 50

A static member function cannot be declared

10 / 50

_______ is a relationship

11 / 50

Your chief Software designer has shown you a sketch of the new Computer parts system she is about to create. At the top of the hierarchy is a Class called Computer and under this are two child classes. One is called LinuxPC and one is called WindowsPC. The main difference between the two is that one runs the Linux operating System and the other runs the Windows System (of course another difference is that one needs constant re-booting and the other runs reliably). Under the WindowsPC are two Sub classes one called Server and one Called Workstation. How might you appraise your designers work?

12 / 50

The find() algorithm

13 / 50

Classes like TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape would normally be concrete, while classes like Sphere and Cube would normally be abstract

14 / 50

In order to free the memory occupied by the object, we use -------------

15 / 50

Suppose there is an object of type Person, which of the following can be considered as one of its attributes

16 / 50

Identify which of the following overloaded operator function’s declaration is appropriate for the given call? Rational_number_1 + 2.325 Where Rational_number_1 is an object of user defined class Rational_number

17 / 50

Friend functions are _____________ functions of a class

18 / 50

The technique in which we visualize our programming problems according to real life’s problems is called ----------------

19 / 50

A C++ class is similar to --------------------

20 / 50

The members of a class that can be accessed without creating the object of the class is called

21 / 50

________ is/are used to access information hidden within an object?

22 / 50

template <> class Vector { } This is an example of partial specialization

23 / 50

Assume a class C with objects obj1, obj2, and obj3. For the statement obj3 = obj1 - obj2 to work correctly, if the overloaded - operator must

24 / 50

Which is not the Advantage of inheritance?

25 / 50

If you define a vector v with the default constructor, and define another vector w with a one-argument constructor to a size of 11, and insert 3 elements into each of these vectors with push_back(), then the size() member function will return ______ for v and _____ for w

26 / 50

_______ remain in memory even when all objects of a class have been destroyed

27 / 50

__________ satisfy the condition of polymorphism

28 / 50

Suppose that the Test class does not have an overloaded assignment operator. What happens when an assignment a=b; is given for two Test objects a and b?

29 / 50

Which one of the following terms must relate to polymorphism?

30 / 50

A class can be identified from a statement by -------------

31 / 50

The concept of derived classes is involved in, 

32 / 50

Inheritance is a way to

33 / 50

A member function having the same name as that of a class and a ~ sign with it is called,

34 / 50

An overloaded operator always requires one less argument than its number of operands

35 / 50

A non-virtual member function is defined in a base class and overridden in a derived class; if that function is called through a base-class pointer to a derived class object, the derived-class version is used

36 / 50

Assume a class Derv that is privately derived from class Base. An object of class Derv located in main() can access 

37 / 50

A generalization-specialization relation between classes are implemented using

38 / 50

A static member function cannot be declared

39 / 50

A generic class showing all the common attributes and a behavior of other classes represents a very important feature in oop called --------

40 / 50

C++ compiler does not allow to dynamically allocate memory for objects

41 / 50

Which of the following operators always takes no argument if overloaded? 

42 / 50

Identify which of the following overloaded operator function’s declaration is appropriate for the given call? Rational_number_1 + 2.325 Where Rational_number_1 is an object of user defined class Rational_number

43 / 50

To convert from a user-defined class to a basic type, you would most likely use

44 / 50

 _______ remain in memory even when all objects of a class have been destroyed

45 / 50

Static variable can be initialized more than once

46 / 50

Suppose that the Test class does not have an overloaded assignment operator. What happens when an assignment a=b; is given for two Test objects a and b?

47 / 50

What is true about function templates?

48 / 50

In OOP a class is an example of _____ 

49 / 50

Which operator can not be overloaded?

50 / 50

For classes with common behavior, you can save effort by placing the common behavior in a __________

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