1 / 50
_______ register holds the address of next instruction is to be executed
2 / 50
After the execution of instruction “RET”
3 / 50
“mov byte [num1],5” is _______ instruction.
4 / 50
The first instruction of “COM” file must be at offset:
5 / 50
When an item is pushed on the decrementing stack, the top of the stack is
6 / 50
In assembly the CX register is used normally as a ______________register.
7 / 50
The clear screen operation initialize whole block of memory
8 / 50
_________ is one of the reasons due to which string instructions are used in 8088
9 / 50
While using STOBS, if DF=1 then
10 / 50
“Far” jump is not position relative but is _______________
11 / 50
Which bit of the attributes byte represents the red component of background color ?
12 / 50
One screen location corresponds to a
13 / 50
Assembly language is:
14 / 50
which bit sets the character "blinking" on the screen?
15 / 50
one RET is executed, it recovers the values from
16 / 50
In STOS instruction, the implied source will always be in
17 / 50
The extended ASCII has
18 / 50
The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES: 0], 0x0741” will print “A” on the screen, color of the character will be
19 / 50
REP will always
20 / 50
In the word designated for one screen location, the higher address contains
21 / 50
In the instruction “CMP AX,BX” the contents of
22 / 50
The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES : 0], 0x0741” will print character “A” on screen, color of the character will be
23 / 50
24 / 50
mov ax,5 has
25 / 50
All the addressing mechanisms in iAPX88 return a number called _____________ address.
26 / 50
Left-Shift-Operation the left most bit _______
27 / 50
Which mathematical operation is dominant during the execution of SCAS instruction
28 / 50
The basic function of SCAS instruction is to
29 / 50
The maximum parameters a subroutine can receive (with the help of registers) are
30 / 50
After the execution of REP instruction CX will be decremented then which of the following flags will be affected?
31 / 50
The iAPX888 architecture consists of _______ register.
32 / 50
33 / 50
34 / 50
35 / 50
RETF will pop the offset in the
36 / 50
37 / 50
Only instructions allow moving data from memory to memory.
38 / 50
In a video memory, each screen location corresponds to
39 / 50
When a very large number is divided by very small number so that the quotient is larger than the space provided, this is called
40 / 50
Regarding assembler, which statement is true:
41 / 50
To convert any digit to its ASCII representation
42 / 50
In the instruction MOV AX, 5 the number of operands are
43 / 50
When a 16 bit number is divided by an 8 bit number, the quotient will be in
44 / 50
Each screen location corresponds to a word, the lower byte of this word contains ____
45 / 50
When a 32 bit number is divided by a 16 bit number, the quotient will be stored in
46 / 50
MOV instruction transfers a byte or word from which of the following source location.
47 / 50
The second byte in the word designated for one screen location holds
48 / 50
Which of the following options contain the set of instructions to open a window to the video memory?
49 / 50
If the direction of the processing of a string is from higher addresses towards lower addresses then
50 / 50
The physical address of the stack is obtained by
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