CS411 Midterm Online Quiz



1 / 50

Using xmldocument, the order is required.

2 / 50

Which of the following is not a feature of "C#"?

3 / 50

_________ are called by garbage collector.

4 / 50

The interface forces each component to expose specific ________ members that will be used in a certain way.

5 / 50

In event-driven architecture (EDA), ____________ sends event to ______________.

6 / 50

Events and ________ work hand in hand.

7 / 50

_________ is an event that is introduced into an event processing system by an event producer.

8 / 50

Interfaces define a contract.

9 / 50

________ decouple producers and consumers.

10 / 50

Extension methods can only be defined in ______________ class.

11 / 50

At the time an event is fired, the _____________ methods will be invoked.

12 / 50

The root object element in XAML must specify at least ________ XML namespace that is used to qualify itself and any child elements.

13 / 50

When the data is passed from one place to another in chunks, this data is called __________.

14 / 50

________ is an occurrence within a particular system or domain.

15 / 50

During the program execution, program can be stopped with the help of _________.

16 / 50

Single Threaded Apartment model is used for communicating with unmanaged COM.

17 / 50

There is no order requirement on named parameters.

18 / 50

“FrameworkElement” is the base class that adds support for __________.

19 / 50

Derived Event is:

20 / 50

A compiled C# file is called ________.

21 / 50

An event is a list of___________.

22 / 50

_________ Method is used to move the file from one directory to another.

23 / 50

Which is the right syntax to define an interface?

24 / 50

Anonymous methods ____________ the code size.

25 / 50

Which of the following does NOT include in event processing operations?

26 / 50

An "UIElement" receives mouse events only if "IsHitTestVisible" is ________.

27 / 50

The code given below is equivalent to _________. White

28 / 50

Attribute parameters can be either positional parameters or named parameters.

29 / 50

XML is a stricter version of ____________.

30 / 50

___________ method reads the whole document in memory.

31 / 50

Which of the following is built from request-response?



32 / 50

Events are based on the principle of ____________.

33 / 50

The initial name for C# was ___________.

34 / 50

Graphical user interfaces and the event-driven model is not applied on which of the following?

35 / 50

Which property will be used if we want to restrict the user to don’t increase the width of a WPF element from a specific amount?

36 / 50

Multiple ________ are conventionally stored in multiple files.

37 / 50

If we want to move an object in the 2-D x-y coordinate system then which transform class will be used?

38 / 50

________ events may or may not relate to an actual occurrence.

39 / 50

To delcare an anonymous method, you just use keyword “________”.

40 / 50

The ______, ________ and ________of applications that use events, either directly or indirectly is called event-based programming.

41 / 50

Writing higher-level functions that call upon lower-level functions _________ a program.

42 / 50

Writing higher-level functions that call upon lower-level functions _________ a program.

43 / 50

A class can inherit from ___________class/classes.

44 / 50

Anonymous method is a method without a name.

45 / 50

Indexers can take any number of ________.

46 / 50

The ___________ method is used to read the whole file at once.

47 / 50

Named parameters come before positional parameters.

48 / 50

What is the default value of "RowSpan" property of "Dockpanel"?

49 / 50

Polymorphism works on the basis that child class should have ______ feature/s of its parent class.

50 / 50

Every __________ is represented by an event-object.

Your score is

The average score is 78%


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