CS508 Midterm Online Quiz



1 / 50

A language that is more orthogonal is usually more _________.

2 / 50

“Everything for everybody” was the motive of the language

3 / 50

PROLOG represent ______ paradigm.

4 / 50

COBOL is mainly designed for _______.

5 / 50

Ada DO NOT support post test loop like do-while loop.

6 / 50

The variable name has profound effect on ______.

7 / 50

Which of the following is an incorrect option from the following statements regarding ‘objectives of learning new languages ’?

8 / 50

Following are some of the reasons for studying concepts related to different programming languages EXCEPT

9 / 50

The space operator in SNOBOL has _____ precedence than arithmetic operators.

10 / 50

__________helps in creating types of your own choice even numeric types can be created.

11 / 50

In __________, Enumeration type can also be used as indexes in arrays

12 / 50

In LISP, following statement returns the difference of the two lists.

13 / 50

Computer architecture has a major influence on the design of programming language.

14 / 50

Following are imperative languages EXCEPT

15 / 50

We can have nested procedures in _________ language.

16 / 50

Binary operator in SONOBOL must have at least ________ spaces on both sides.

17 / 50

Two important versions of LISP are ________.

18 / 50

Pattern . Variable Upon successful completion of pattern matching, the substring matched by the pattern is assigned to the variable as ________

19 / 50

The __________ of while loop in Ada is same as in C.

20 / 50

Too much simplicity in language design can also cause problems.

21 / 50

It is always better to find out the mistakes in the code at ________.

22 / 50

COBOL was the first language that brings the concept of __________.

23 / 50

SONOBOL is case _______

24 / 50

___________ represents the class of languages from functional paradigm.

25 / 50

The more is the Simplicity of a language, the more it will always be readable.

26 / 50

Block statement in Ada is very different to a block in C.

27 / 50

One of the major design goals of Ada was

28 / 50

____ is used to give comments in Ada language

29 / 50

First language that provided the concept of Pointer data type was _______.

30 / 50

_______ was the first object oriented language.

31 / 50

In SONOBOL TABLES can be used in a manner similar to _______.

32 / 50

Initial version of SONOBOL only supports __________ and string.

33 / 50

Indirect referencing in SONOBOL is same as of _____in C.

34 / 50

Following is the correct syntax of ‘for’ statement in Ada.

35 / 50

Following factors influences a portable language design EXCEPT

36 / 50

In SONOBOL can the size of the array be determined at run time.

37 / 50

Computer architecture has a major influence on the design of programming language.

38 / 50

Programming Language is basically a tool for instructing a computer to perform specified set of task.

39 / 50

A language that is more orthogonal is usually more _________.

40 / 50

COBOL is mainly designed for _______.

41 / 50

In LISP, ___________ is the main tool used for iteration.

42 / 50

First electronic computer was _________

43 / 50

___________ is an important feature of Ada language used in embedded systems and operating systems. It is used in managing parallel threads of controls.

44 / 50

Which of the following is an incorrect option from the following statements regarding ‘objectives of learning new languages ’?

45 / 50

First language that provided the concept of Pointer data type was _______.

46 / 50

The main design goals of Ada were EXCEPT

47 / 50

Lists can be constructed with the help of three basic functions which are ___________.

48 / 50

Too much Orthogonality reduces Readability.

49 / 50

A space is used as _____ for concatenation.

50 / 50

_____ are a type of Aliasing.

Your score is

The average score is 35%


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