CS602 Midterm Online Quiz



1 / 50

We can take transpose of any matrix.

2 / 50

Both Boundary Filling and Flood filling algorithms are non-recursive techniques.

3 / 50

In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit3 represents condition _____.

4 / 50

The dot product of two vectors A and B is __________. Iff the angle between them is less than 20 or greater than 270 degrees.

5 / 50

Vectors can be multiplied in a way

6 / 50

A scaling transformation alters the ______ of an object.

7 / 50

In video text memory, ________ are used to display a character.

8 / 50

Global coordinate systems can be defined with respect to local coordinate system

9 / 50

__________ transformation produces shape distortions as if objects were composed of layers that are caused to slide over each other.

10 / 50

The given primitives are clipped to the boundaries of _______ and primitives lying outside are not drawn.

11 / 50

( x^2 / a^2 ) + ( y^2 / b^2 ) = 1 is an equation of __________.

12 / 50

Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm clips any polygon against a concave clip polygon

13 / 50

Which of the following statements is not true about flood-fill and boundary-fill? Algorithms?

14 / 50

In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 2 represents condition_____.

15 / 50

Process of moving points in space is called

16 / 50

Shortcoming of Sutherland-Hodgeman Algorithm is concave polygons may be displayed with extensors lines 

17 / 50

Shadow mask methods can display a __________ range of colors.

18 / 50

In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 1 represents condition_____.

19 / 50

__________ is the process of describing an object or scene so that we can construct an image of it

20 / 50

We can draw the circle using _________

21 / 50

________ is the set of points that are equidistant from its origin.

22 / 50

Locations can be translated or "transformed" from one coordinate system to the other. Select correct option:

23 / 50

Save a line with both endpoints inside all clipping boundaries.

24 / 50

To show 256 colors , the no of bits required for each pixel are

25 / 50

The actual filling process in boundary filling algorithm begins when a point _________ of the figured is selected.

26 / 50

In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 2 represents condition _____.

27 / 50

Each hyperbola consists of two ___________.

28 / 50

Discard a line with both endpoints outside clipping boundaries is called as

29 / 50

Computer Graphics are used in _______.

30 / 50

__________transformation produces shape distortions as if objects were composed of layers that are caused to slide over each other.

31 / 50

In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 4 represents condition _____.

32 / 50

Bezier curve can represent the more complex piecewise ___________ curve.

33 / 50

Which of the following is NOT a modern application for Computer Graphics -------------------

34 / 50

If the polygons are _______, line-clipping techniques are sufficient for clipping.

35 / 50

A _________ is the set of all points (x , y) that are the same distance from the directrix and focus not on the directrix.

36 / 50

If the polygons are _________ line clipping techniques are sufficient for clipping.

37 / 50

Save a line with both endpoints inside all clipping boundaries is called as ____.

38 / 50

In Trivial acceptance/reject test there are four bits of nine regions, Bit 4 represents condition_____.

39 / 50

A line, or straight line, is, roughly speaking, an (infinitely) thin, (infinitely) long, straight geometrical object.

40 / 50

_________ OpenGL function is used for aiming and positioning the camera towards the object

41 / 50

Orthographic projections that show more than one side of an object are called __________ projections.

42 / 50

____is the tendency of the text to flash as it moves up or down.

43 / 50

The process of subdivision an entity or surface into one or more non-overlapping primitives.

44 / 50

Vectors can be multiplied in a way

45 / 50

__________ is the process of describing an object or scene so that we can construct an image of it

46 / 50

Discard a line with both endpoints outside clipping boundaries is called as

47 / 50

Which one of the following is not the graphics library is use:

48 / 50

DDA abbreviated for ________.

49 / 50

In video text memory, ______ are used to display a character.

50 / 50

To move a _________ from one location to another, we translate the center point and redraw the same using new center point.

Your score is

The average score is 54%


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4 Qul
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