1 / 50
__________ commands in Linux is used to copy file
2 / 50
Time interval when the I/O Devices are accessed is known as --------.
3 / 50
OS helps manages the following except
4 / 50
___________ is used in real time operating systems.
5 / 50
A time sharing system is
6 / 50
In Unix/ Linux, by default the standard output file is attached to the ___________
7 / 50
If your processor does not have two slots empty in Per Process File Descriptor Table, then your _________ system call will fail.
8 / 50
In Layered Approach of OS, the Layer highest Layer is User Interface layer.
9 / 50
The bottom layer in the layered approach of Operating System is-----------
10 / 50
You can use the ---------command in UNIX to create a directory.
11 / 50
The process of holding at least one resource and waiting to acquire additional resources that are currently being held by other processes is known as________.
12 / 50
Database, Complier, Video games are examples of ________.
13 / 50
The critical section problem can be solved by the following except
14 / 50
A process consists of __________
15 / 50
The process of switching from one process to another is called latency.
16 / 50
_____ system call is used to write to a file or FIFO or any other IPC channel.
17 / 50
The main characteristic of a Real time system is
18 / 50
/usr/X11R6 is used by the X Window System.
19 / 50
A Process „A‟ that has finished working but its parent process has also finished its execution. In this state the process „A‟ will be called as _____ process.
20 / 50
________ scheduling algorithm is sometimes called shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm.
21 / 50
Operating System is the Manager of Hardware Resources.
22 / 50
The integer value of ________semaphores can range over an unrestricted integer domain.
23 / 50
The condition where a set of blocked processes each holding a resource and waiting to acquire a resource held by another process in the set, is termed as ________.
24 / 50
The execution of critical sections must NOT be mutually exclusive
25 / 50
________________ is an integer variable accessible through wait and signal which are atomic operations.
26 / 50
Which of the Following is not an Operating System.
27 / 50
__________ displays information about the top processes.
28 / 50
Current working directory can be accessed using --------- Command.
29 / 50
All threads within a process share the ________ address space.
30 / 50
A system call________
31 / 50
__________ integer shows the highest priority of a process in CPU scheduling
32 / 50
Swapper is also termed as Short term scheduler.
33 / 50
This condition is known as ______________.
34 / 50
In ---------addressing; the recipient is not required to name the sender.
35 / 50
The time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running is known as the-----------.
36 / 50
The ________ requires that once a writer is ready, that writer performs its write as soon as possible , if a writer waiting to access the object, no new readers may start reading.
37 / 50
In Resource Allocation Graph, A _______ Pi →Rj indicates that process Pi may request resource Rj at some time in the future.
38 / 50
The procedure “The time at which the process finished working MINUS the arrival time of the process MINUS CPU burst for that process” will help calculate the _________.
39 / 50
The following requirement for solving critical section problem is known as ______. “There exists a bound on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter their critical sections after a process has made a request to enter its critical section and before that request is granted.”
40 / 50
41 / 50
The Operating system is a layer of software between _________ and ___________.
42 / 50
The _______ are used for communication between related or unrelated processes on the same system or unrelated processes on different systems.
43 / 50
Linux uses ___________ directory to store system configuration files.
44 / 50
n-process critical section problem can be solved by using
45 / 50
_________________ scheduling allows a process to move between queues.
46 / 50
The priorities of processes in the __________ group remain fixed.
47 / 50
------------ register contains the size of the process
48 / 50
Taking the CPU from one process and giving the CPU to another process is termed as
49 / 50
The -------------- system call suspends the calling process.
50 / 50
Which of the following is NOT a Hardware Resource.
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