CS604 Midterm Online Quiz



1 / 50

The bottom layer in the layered approach of Operating System is-----------

2 / 50

Binary semaphores are those that have only two values---------

3 / 50

All threads within a process share the ________ address space.

4 / 50

The number of processes completed per unit time is called ___________.

5 / 50

First _______ entries in Per Process File Descriptor Table are used as soon as the process is created.

6 / 50

The Home Directory for superuser in Linux and Unix is

7 / 50

A process is said to be in critical section if it executes code that manipulates shared data

8 / 50

The priority of a process can be changed using ___________ command.

9 / 50

The interval from the time of submission to the time of completion is the ______

10 / 50

You can use the ---------command in UNIX to create a directory.

11 / 50

-------- command gives a snapshot of the current processes.

12 / 50

Shared libraries and kernel modules are stored in directory

13 / 50

A_______ is an integer variable that, apart from initialization is accessible only through two standard atomic operations: wait and signal.

14 / 50

This condition is known as ______________.  

15 / 50

What do we name to an address that is loaded into the memory-address register of the memory?

16 / 50

In Unix/ Linux, by default the standard output file is attached to the ___________

17 / 50

The major advantage of multi-programming system is

18 / 50

An absolute pathname starts with the root directory (/) and a relative pathname starts with your home directory.

19 / 50

In Unix/ Linux, by default the standard input file is attached to the ___________

20 / 50

Operating System is the Manager of Hardware Resources.

21 / 50

Progress and Bounded Waiting are some of the characteristics to solve the critical section problems.

22 / 50

Which of the Following is not an Operating System.

23 / 50

A Process that has finished working, as well as its parent process has also finished its execution. In this state the process A will be called as _________ process.

24 / 50

I/O instructions are Privileged Instructions.

25 / 50

_____________ is a preemptive scheduling algorithm.

26 / 50

__________ scheduler selects the process from the job pool and put them in main memory.

27 / 50

A parent process calling __________ system call will be suspended until children process terminates.

28 / 50

The procedure “The time at which the process finished working MINUS the arrival time of the process MINUS CPU burst for that process” will help calculate the _________.

29 / 50

If the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock then it said to be in ______ state.

30 / 50

________________ is an integer variable accessible through wait and signal which are atomic operations.

31 / 50

OS helps manages the following except

32 / 50

____ command display the status of a process.

33 / 50

The scheduling of ______ are done by the operating system.

34 / 50

Command-line interpreter is also called __________ in some operating systems.

35 / 50

In ________addressing, the recipient is not required to name the sender.

36 / 50

A major problem with priority scheduling algorithms is ______.

37 / 50

Mach, MacOS X Server, QNX, OS/2 and Windows NT are examples of OS Based on ______.

38 / 50

If your processor does not have two slots empty in Per Process File Descriptor Table, then your _________ system call will fail.

39 / 50

In indirect inter process communication, a sender_____mention the name of the recipient.

40 / 50

Files that start with a -------- in UNIX/Linux directory structure are known as hidden files .

41 / 50

__________ directory includes essential system boot files including the kernel image.

42 / 50

If a system is not in a safe state, there can be No deadlocks.

43 / 50

_________buffer places no practical limit on the size of the buffer

44 / 50

command displays the contents of current working directory.

45 / 50

Time interval when the I/O Devices are accessed is known as --------.

46 / 50

Managing Secondary Storage Involves all of the Following except

47 / 50

You can display the contents (names of files and directories) of a directory in UNIX/Linux directory structure with the --------------- command.

48 / 50

The -------------- system call suspends the calling process.

49 / 50

The bottom-up view is that operating system is a resource manager who manages the hardware and software resources in the computer system.

50 / 50

Each process must first request permission to enter its critical section. The section of code implementing this request is called the _____

Your score is

The average score is 36%


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