CS609 Midterm Online Quiz



1 / 50

The keyboard makes use of interrupt number _______ for its input operations.

2 / 50

PPI is used to perform parallel communication

3 / 50

Bit number _______ of coprocessor control word is the Interrupt Enable Flag.

4 / 50

The interval timer can operate in _______ modes.

5 / 50

___________ is used to identify cause of interrupt.

6 / 50

Hardware Interrupts are __________.

7 / 50

The microprocessor package has many signals for data. Below are some in Correct priority order (Higher to Lower).

8 / 50

DMA stands for_________

9 / 50

In self test mode the output of the UART is routed to its input.

10 / 50

Interrupt service number is usually placed in ____________ register.

11 / 50

Usually interrupt procedures are reentrant procedures especially those interrupt procedure compiled using C language compiler are reentrant.

12 / 50

Int 14H____________ can be used to send a byte

13 / 50

The interval timer can operate in ____modes.

14 / 50

If we want to produce the grave voice from speaker phone then we have to load the ____ divisor values at Port ____.

15 / 50

If we use keep (0, 1000) in a TSR program, the memory allocated to it is

16 / 50

A single interrupt controller can arbitrate among ____ different devices.

17 / 50

In ____________each byte is needed to be encapsulated in start and end.

18 / 50

------------ is used to read time from RTC

19 / 50

Control information in files is maintained using

20 / 50

File can be______ viewed as collection of clusters or blocks.

21 / 50

Register can be used to divide frequency is _________

22 / 50

In self test mode the output of the UART is routed to its input.

23 / 50

The BIOS interrupt ________ can be used to configure RTC.

24 / 50

In case of synchronous communication a timing signal is required to identify the start and end of a bit.

25 / 50

In self test mode the output of the UART is routed to its input

26 / 50

Int 14H __________ can be used to receive a byte.

27 / 50

DTE is ___________

28 / 50

Display device (Monitor) performs _________ I/O.

29 / 50

_____ bit is cleared to indicate the low nibble is being sent.

30 / 50

File system used in CD’s is_______ file system

31 / 50

File system used in CD’s is_______ file system

32 / 50

Maximum number of interrupts in a standard PC is

33 / 50

On the execution of IRET instruction, number of bytes popped from stack is

34 / 50

__________is used to control the printer via the BIOS

35 / 50

Int 14H __________ can be used to set the line parameter of the UART or COM port.

36 / 50

Standard PC operates in two modes in terms of memory which are

37 / 50

________means typematic rate will be sent in next byte.

38 / 50

The keyboard input character scan code is received at ___ port.

39 / 50

BPB stands for _________.

40 / 50

Following is not a method of I/O

41 / 50

_______ is LED control byte.

42 / 50

Interrupt ______ is used to get or set the time.

43 / 50

Set the Interrupt vector means to change the double word sized interrupt vector within IVT.

44 / 50

To store each character in keyboard buffer ____ bytes are required.

45 / 50

We have set the bit No. 7 of IMR(Interrupt Mask Register) to unmask the Interrupt so that interrupt _____ can occur at ____ line.

46 / 50

The________ function uses the COM port number to receive a byte from the COM port using BIOS services.

47 / 50

In counter register bit no. 3 changes its value between 0 and 1 with in ____clock cycles

48 / 50

Int_____________ service 0 can be used to set the line parameter of the UART or COM port.

49 / 50

PPI stands for _____________.

50 / 50

There are two main types of interrupts, namely

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