1 / 50
Pipeline parallelism focuses on increasing throughput of task execution, NOT on __________ sub-task execution time.
2 / 50
The automated, prospective analyses offered by data mining move beyond the analysis of past events provided by respective tools typical of ___________.
3 / 50
_____modeling technique is more appropriate for data warehouses.
4 / 50
To identify the __________________ required we need to perform data profiling
5 / 50
The degree of similarity between two records, often measured by a numerical value between _______, usually depends on application characteristics.
6 / 50
To measure or quantify the similarity or dissimilarity, different techniques are available. Which of the following option represent the name of available techniques?
7 / 50
It is observed that every year the amount of data recorded in anorganization is
8 / 50
Transactional fact tables do not have records for events that do not occur. These are called
9 / 50
For a DWH project, the key requirement are ________ and product experience.
10 / 50
DOLAP allows download of “cube” structures to a desktop platform with the need for shared relational or cube server.
11 / 50
To judge effectiveness we perform data profiling twice.
12 / 50
13 / 50
_________ breaks a table into multiple tables based upon common column values.
14 / 50
Suppose the amount of data recorded in an organization is doubled every year. This increase is __________ .
15 / 50
_____________ is a process which involves gathering of information about column through execution of certain queries with intention to identify erroneous records.
16 / 50
.______ is class of Decision Support Environment.
17 / 50
In a traditional MIS system, there is an almost linear sequence of queries.
18 / 50
In horizontal splitting, we split a relation into multiple tables on the basis of
19 / 50
The key idea behind ___________ is to take a big task and break it into subtasks that can be processed concurrently on a stream of data inputs in multiple, overlapping stages of execution.
20 / 50
DTS allows us to connect through any data source or destination that is supported by ____________
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NUMA stands for __________
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A ________ dimension is a collection of random transactional codes, flags and/text attributes that are unrelated to any particular dimension. The ______ dimension is simply a structure that provides a convenient place to store the ______ attributes.
23 / 50
Execution can be completed successfully or it may be stopped due to some error. In case of successful completion of execution all the transactions will be ___________
24 / 50
In DWH project, it is assured that ___________ environment is similar to the production environment
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Ad-hoc access means to run such queries which are known already.
26 / 50
The technique that is used to perform these feats in data mining modeling, and this act of model building is something that people have been doing for long time, certainly before the _______ of computers or data mining technology.
27 / 50
_______ is an application of information and data.
28 / 50
Many data warehouse project teams waste enormous amounts of time searching in vain for a _______.
29 / 50
The goal of ideal parallel execution is to completely parallelize those parts of a computation that are not constrained by data dependencies. The smaller the portion of the program that must be executed __________, the greater the scalability of the computation.
30 / 50
____________ in agriculture extension is that pest population beyond which the benefit of spraying outweighs its cost.
31 / 50
A single database, couldn‟t serve both operational high performance transaction processing and DSS, analytical processing, all at the same time.
32 / 50
The STAR schema used for data design is a __________ consisting of fact and dimension tables. :
33 / 50
The goal of ideal parallel execution is to completely parallelize those parts of a computation that are not constrained by data dependencies. The __________ the portion of the program that must be executed sequentially, the greater the scalability of computation.
34 / 50
For a relation to be in 4NF it must be:-
35 / 50
Multi-dimensional databases (MDDs) typically use ___________ formats to store pre-summarized cube structures.
36 / 50
A dense index, if fits into memory, costs only ______ disk I/O access to locate a record by given key.
37 / 50
38 / 50
________ is the technique in which existing heterogeneous segments are reshuffled, relocated into homogeneous segments.
39 / 50
There are many variants of the traditional nested-loop join. If the index is built as part of the query plan and subsequently dropped, it is called
40 / 50
The need to synchronize data upon update is called
41 / 50
42 / 50
Multidimensional databases typically use proprietary __________ format to store pre-summarized cube structures.
43 / 50
_______________, if too big and does not fit into memory, will be expensive when used to find a record by given key.
44 / 50
Data mining is a/an ______ approach , where browsing through data using mining techniques may reveal something that might be of interest to the user as information that was unknown previously.
45 / 50
Non uniform distribution, when the data is distributed across the processors, is called ______.
46 / 50
The purpose of the House of Quality technique is to reduce ______ types of risk.
47 / 50
Data mining evolve as a mechanism to cater the limitations of ________ systems to deal massive data sets with high dimensionality, new data types, multiple heterogeneous data resources etc.
48 / 50
Which statement is true for De-Normalization?
49 / 50
Pre-computed _______ can solve performance problems
50 / 50
Cube is a __________ entity containing values of a certain fact at a certain aggregation level at an intersection of a combination of dimensions.
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